Hello everyone! This here is a Wing!lock AU. A guardian angel AU to be precise. This is another RP of mine with InvisibleBlade :) So if you liked our first story together, Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust, you'll probably like this one too. If you didn't like our first story, then you might not like this one. It has angst, feels, angst, smut, and did I mention angst? So be prepared for all of that.

InvisibleBlade: Sherlock
Me: John, John's mum

No warnings for the introductory chapter. Enjoy!

Everyone has one. At some point in their lives they will show up and everything becomes infinitely better. They gain a friend, confidant, brother, sister, what have you. But they only arrive when they are needed most.

They are guardian angels.

It was common knowledge by now that everyone was guaranteed an angel. There were books about them in libraries across the world, explaining what their purpose was and what they could and could not do.

The four biggest rules were:

1) your guardian angel only showed up when you needed him or her most
2) once your angel has showed up they remain with you for life (though they are able to leave and return to Heaven if need be)
3) angels are treated with the utmost respect at all times, grounded or otherwise
4) an angel is grounded when they have a) failed to guard their human; b) upset God or broken a rule of Heaven; or c) fallen in love with a human or have sexual relations with a human.

Falling for a human was one of the worst things an angel can do. Angel-human relationships other than platonic were strictly forbidden. Though many an angel have fallen for a human, reports of grounded angels have diminished over the last few years. However, more and more angels were arriving to help teenagers seeing as times were harder for them now with all the pressure to grow up and do well in school and hold a steady job and go to university. Which is where one John Hamish Watson comes in.

John was your average British teenager. He worked hard to please his parents, had a reasonable social life, and even managed to secure a spot in medical school two years ahead of time. He was smart, a tad small for his age, and was much more tan than he had any need to be. Overall he had a nice life, a happy life with his parents and sister. The only problem? The bullies.

They picked on him because of his size, his weight, his sister's bedding habits, anything they could get their hands on. John hated it. He was sick of it all. Then they started making things up and people at school stopped talking to him. He still had Mike and Bill, and thank God for Mary. He'd be a wreck without her. But he still couldn't stand what the bullies said. He was sick and tired of it all, he wanted it to end. But if the rumours wouldn't stop, then John would just have to take things into his own hands.

He'd made plans. Sure, he was taking the coward's way out, but his angel had yet to show up, so either he didn't have one or his life had to get much worse in order to get one. After the sex rumours started (which were completely ridiculous seeing as he was still a virgin) he decided enough was enough. He went home and pulled out the box he'd prepared from under his bed. He set the note on his pillow and loaded his father's 'borrowed' pistol. He sat in his desk chair and closed his eyes, thinking of his beautiful mother as he pressed the gun underneath his chin.

'I'm so sorry, Mum,' he whispered. 'I love you.'

Sherlock didn't want to be anyone's angel. He hated the idea of being tied to someone for the rest of his existence. He wanted to be able to live and to be able to do something other than protect a ridiculous human being.

Instead, he found himself forced down to Earth to a kid who was minutes away from killing himself.

Great, I get a bloody suicidal one, Sherlock thought bitterly.

He grabbed the gun from the boy's hand and smacked it to the ground with an audible thud. His arms wrapped around him tightly and his thick, raven black wings curled around the boy's body, acting like a form of shock blanket.

'It's OK,' he said softly, not wanting to scare the blonde haired boy. 'I've got you.'

John's eyes snapped open and he looked up at the angel that had saved him. Bright blue – no, green – no, now they're grey – no, blue eyes, sharp cheekbones, dark curls on his head, long and lean and... Oh my god those wings. John swallowed as he stared at the beautiful raven black wings that surrounded him. He reached out to stroke one of the feathers and he instantly melted into the chair, the softness of the feather unexpected but entirely welcome. He smiled softly up at the angel.

'Thank you,' he hummed, still stroking the feather. 'I was beginning to wonder if I actually had an angel or not. So, thank you.'

Sherlock's cool eyes studied the blonde haired boy with a calm regard. 'Everyone has an angel assigned to them. You, John Watson, are no different.' He released him and carefully stepped away from him. 'And, unfortunately, I'm yours.'

'Unfortunately?' John asked softly, turning to look at the angel. He was trying to determine an age. He looked like he could have been a teenager but he also looked like he was eternally twenty five. It was hard to tell with angels, and it was extremely rude for humans to ask. Instead, the angel would tell their human when they had either bonded or gained a strong level of trust. It was weird how the two didn't coincide, but that's just how it was.

'Oh, don't be like that,' Sherlock sighed, exasperated. 'It's not just you that I despise. I hate every human being with my every fibre. I'll just have to put up with you I guess.'

'Why do you hate us?' John asked, still stuck to his chair. If his angel didn't want to be here then maybe he didn't want John near him. 'Are we really that... disgusting to you?'

Sherlock snorted. 'You're all idiots!' he exclaimed. 'You do not observe the world around you. I mean look at you. You were going to kill yourself over rumours. When in due fact you have a wonderful family who cares for you. Not that I encourage caring, mind you. Caring isn't an advantage, or that's what my older brother says. But he would have been right. You were going to abandon your family, and your whole future.'

'Not all of them were rumours,' John mumbled, looking away. 'A lot were true. And they were about my family. So... Well, now that I think about it, maybe killing myself wouldn't have helped them. It would have just made everything worse. So... thanks, for saving me.'

'You are welcome.' Sherlock's brow pinched together. 'Or at least I think that's the phrase I am searching for.'

'Yeah. That's right.' John still didn't stand. Not that he was afraid to, he just didn't want to move. 'So, um, what's your name?'

'Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes.' Sherlock smirked smugly and gave John a wink. John blushed slightly and cleared his throat.

'Nice to meet you, Sherlock. I'm John. But you already knew that.'

'Mmm,' Sherlock hummed and circled John. 'I know everything about you. From the amount of hairs on your body to the fact you wish to join the army but have killed that dream because of your height, weight, and overall stature. I know that you're sexually confused. I know that you smoke. I know that you binge and that you starve yourself. I know that you cut and I know that this isn't the first time you truly planned on dying.'

'Can you read my mind?' John asked softly, staring at Sherlock with wide eyes. 'Is that how you know all that?'

Sherlock snorted. 'No. Not at all. I deduced it all. There are rumours of angels that can have telepathic conversations with the ones that they are bonded with. But those angels fell... in love with their assigned humans.' He wrinkled his nose up in distaste. The word 'love' made him cringe internally.

'Oh. I wouldn't worry about falling in love with me. The girl I like doesn't even know I exist, so I think you'll be fine. I think all you'll ever be to me is a really good friend.' He sighed and finally managed to stand, stretching slightly. 'Plus I'm not gay, so no worries,' he added almost as a second thought. He glanced back up at his angel and smiled softly.

'So... What do we do now? I've only ever met two angels in my life and I don't really know how to act around you guys.'

'Well, this is my first time on Earth. First time meeting a human even. What do you mundane people do to stop you from getting so... bored?' Sherlock sighed and rolled his shoulders, as though he had the weight of the world on them and was trying to shrug it off.

'Well, we go for walks sometimes. We read or watch telly or go to the cinema. Sometimes we hang out with our friends and do whatever.' John shrugged and approached Sherlock slowly. The boy-man-whatever twitched slightly and his wings opened a tad, the feathers ruffling in agitation.

'Are you OK?' John asked. 'You seem stressed.'

'Just... keep your distance,' Sherlock hissed. 'Don't touch me. Don't even... Just don't.'

'Oh. OK. Um...' John stepped back and Sherlock relaxed slightly. 'I'm sorry.'

'It's fine.' Sherlock blew out a breath of relief. 'Now, shall we go on one of those walk things?'

'Um, yeah. Sure. It's kinda cold out though. Do you want a jacket or anything?'

'I'll be fine. My wings keep me nice and toasty.' Sherlock flicked his wings out and smiled.

'Right. Yeah. OK,' John stammered, staring at Sherlock's gorgeous wings.

Sherlock raised an eyebrow. 'You like my wings,' he stated.

'What?' John glanced back up at Sherlock's face and swallowed. 'Oh. Yes. They're quite... extraordinary. They're very... I don't really want to say beautiful but that's the only word coming to mind. Your wings are absolutely beautiful.'

Sherlock grinned and stretched his wings out to their impressive full span. He watched John carefully. 'Blown pupils, increased heart rate, uneven breathing... oh. You're aroused. How brilliant. I've been assigned to a silly human who sees me in a sexual light. Please calm yourself down.'

'I... I am not!' John stammered. 'I'm not gay!'

'Hmm. And yet that erection of yours speaks for itself,' Sherlock sighed.

'Shut up,' John snarled, sliding his hands over his jeans to cover himself up. 'I just like your wings is all. I'm not attracted to you in the slightest.'

'So you're attracted to my wings, not me myself.' Sherlock sighed again.

'I... I didn't say that!' John screeched. 'I'm not a bloody Winger!'

'Say that without an erection in your trousers. Maybe then you'll convince me that you're not a Winger.'

'I'm not!' John yelled.

'Jonathan?' a woman's voice said from outside his bedroom door. 'Are you quite alright?'

'Shit. It's my mum. She can't know I got my guardian angel because I was about to commit suicide. It'll kill her. Can you hide or something? I don't want her to know.'

Sherlock sighed heavily. Silly human. 'I shall see you out there.' He opened a window and dropped out of it, his wings flapping majestically as he took off into flight. John stared after him and watched him fly away. But if he disappeared too far how was he supposed to find him? His mum's voice quickly broke him out of his thoughts and he moved to open the door.

'Hi Mum. Sorry. I'm fine. I was just shouting at my computer. It's not cooperating with me today.'

'Oh. Well, OK,' she smiled softly. 'If you aren't busy, we'll be having lunch soon.'

'Actually I was about to go have lunch with a friend,' John said smoothly. 'But I'll be home in time for dinner.'

'OK sweetie. Have fun.' She kissed the top of his head and John hugged her. She went back downstairs and John thrust on his jacket before going outside. Thank god his erection disappeared before he opened the door. He would have hated to explain that to his mum. He walked down to the local park and sat on a bench. Maybe if he couldn't find Sherlock, Sherlock would find him.

So there's the introductory chapter. What did you think? Reviews are always appreciated :)

Just for reference, a Winger is a human who is not only attracted to angels, but has sexual relations with angels.

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up, but maybe over the weekend. I move back into my dorm on Sunday the 12th, one week before the S3 premiere in America. InvisibleBlade has been itching to discuss the series with me, but I'm waiting to watch it with my friends at Uni, so she's dying because she can't talk about it. Hehehe. But the wait is killing me too. Just a week and a half to go and I'll be sitting in front of my TV watching The Empty Hearse!

Until the next chapter!