Reviews for For the love of my family & Patron God
Sparkle85 chapter 46 . 7/4/2017
Oh wow, just run into this fic. I know it's been a while, but I'm hoping you do plan on finishing this awesome fic!
lexi2638 chapter 46 . 3/16/2016
Dang it! Just as I thought our Heroes were going to catch a break some maniacs came along and kidnapped everyone! I see this story hasn't been updated since 2014. I'm hoping you do us a favor and continue on! It's really so good and so important for us to know the outcome! Please finish this!
lexi2638 chapter 38 . 3/16/2016
Oh my Gosh. I pretty much squealed and had the goofiest grin on my face at this chapter. That Ares and Xena bond, gotta freakin love it
Melody Lynn Kamiya chapter 46 . 1/14/2016
I can't wait to find out what Ares does to those that have put Xena and the baby in danger! Keep up the great work as well. :)
Guest chapter 46 . 7/9/2015
I love this story! Cant' wait until it gets an update ..What happened!?
ari chapter 46 . 1/25/2015
please continue with this story!
HeatherJS chapter 46 . 12/7/2014
These blows after blow are beginning to be too much...

Ares is trapped and Xena is tied up somewhere with someone she doesn't want to even think about...this is so not good. Oohhhh, when Ares gets out of there, there is going to be hell to pay if something happens to Xena.
xentrya chapter 46 . 12/7/2014
Oh man! Ares is trapped...Xena is trapped...who in the world is ever going to save them both? I need to say, I'm quite intrigued about the following chapters...Are Torris and Gabrielle enough to stand against Bellona? Nice job, can't wait for an update:)
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 46 . 12/7/2014
This chapter was so full of angst. I'm afraid for Xena and her baby right now, her future doesn't seem so bright.
And noooo Ares is a captive. I wonder why those lunatic are doing this? It's all has to do with Xena's past?
Amazing chapter!

Update soon!
ari chapter 45 . 12/2/2014
please please please update soon
Guest chapter 45 . 11/19/2014
Cant wait until the next chapetr
darkchakram chapter 22 . 11/16/2014
I am getting caught up, slowly but surely. Ares and Xena are too funny. Xena knows a rat when she smells one.
Only1ToniD chapter 45 . 11/16/2014
Poor Ceja! Poor Xena! And Maggie... well, have little sympathy for her since it was her who started her daughter down her twisted path! But she did show remorse at least! So that's something! I hate to agree with the Bard, but in this case, I do! I hope Xena is with Ares finally! Or check that Aphrodite came to check on the Warrior Babe and saved her just in the nick of time! Something! Great job building and maintaining the suspense!
HeatherJS chapter 45 . 11/16/2014
Where is Xena? She has disappeared...this can't be good...I don't like this.

My nerves are being rattled beyond repair
alexandra.sarafolean chapter 45 . 11/16/2014
Wow what an intense chapter. I wonder though if Xena is ok and she's with Ares, cause I doubt that (it would be nice though :) And it appears Maggie saved the little child. Wow Damis was really having mental problems it seems.
So glad Ceja is alright in her father's arms.
Great chapter!
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