Reviews for A Timely Change
Ghostwriter chapter 8 . 12/19/2019
Awesome story. I love it.
SafyreSky chapter 8 . 6/7/2019
And a lovely little bow to wrap it all up!

FT and Santa's interactions were cute which is odd considering the people Scott and Doug are. I keep picturing them being like "lmao yeah we really stepped it UP, best promotions EVER!" because that was what my first thought was! This was also an interesting chapter as it adds a sort of bridge to TSC 2 and we have a glimpse of how Santa came to meet the Council of Legendary Figures.

My only critique is that I wish there was more! I loved reading this, it was a very original and different idea and I like how you approached it! ALSO I meant to say this last review, totally forgot, but I enjoyed how you have MN being able to cover for FT and vice versa. I'm a big fan of that idea for the Council myself!

Anyway! So glad you came back to finish this! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

SafyreSky chapter 7 . 6/7/2019

I loved their interactions, oh my goodness. The way Mother Nature just appeared in his house and then in the back of his car was a riot to picture! It made me giggle, and I loved how low-key mysterious it was.

Doug came around to the job surprisingly well! I.e, he didn't give Mother Nature too much trouble, you know? I figured he'd fly through training though! The way you've written Doug is very much as a logical, analytical sort, and he suits the role of FT very well (of course!). He's a good Father Time, and I'm glad that MN decided to check in on the previous FT. That was a very nice touch because A) we got to see how John's holding up and B) It makes MN seem less like a very mean and cold person-she cares! :)

This was a really good read!

SafyreSky chapter 6 . 6/7/2019
Yas Susan, you go girl!

Great chapter! I really enjoyed the look into how Father Time's powers worked. Could you imagine being able to fast forward an awkward situation? That would be NICE. I love how the transformation is going too. The MOMENT time picked him, BOOM! BEARD! And then HAIR! Makes sense, of course. Unlike Santa, FT has a year-round job, so they would need him ASAP whereas they really only need Santa on Christmas Eve. B-Man has things under control when there's no Santa-caused situations effecting the workplace, so that's all well and fine.

Maybe a not-so-hot take, but I'm kinda glad the board of executives called Doug out for his "Calvin-itis". It really was double standards, and if he lets go of someone because of a dishevelled appearance, same should apply for him. Man, I wish I could fast forward to traffic. Especially with the way the 401 is, an absolute NIGHTMARE!

Now let's find out WHO'S IN HIS HOUSE! My money is on either Bernard, or Mother Nature. Let's see if I'm right...
SafyreSky chapter 5 . 6/7/2019
Well you're most welcome for the reviews and comments! I try to review on every story I enjoy and/or root for, I know how gr8 it feels when a nice comment makes it's way to a writer's inbox ;)

I LOVE your explanation for how the elves float living costs and such for Santa and other Legendary Figures. I low key had a brief moment where I pictured an elf mafia, and it was quite funny. Nice job on the B-Man dialogue! I enjoyed how he explained it all to Santa, and the coleslaw bit was probably my favourite line this chapter xD

And looks like Doug has FINALLY been picked by Time, nice! I love how his reaction was I'VE CAUGHT CALVIN'S DISEASE! That was funny. I see your sense of humour, and I'm digging it ;)

SafyreSky chapter 4 . 6/7/2019
HE GOT TO LIVE OUT THE REST OF HIS LIFE WITH HIS FAMILY! I sure hope he learnt a lesson, because even though it was what he wanted, he was being quite the petulant child, wasn't he? At any rate, writer's block happens and I've seen it knock people out for a WHILE. It do be like that sometimes!

I like the effects you've had happen without Father Time around. I also like how one of the little time ripples made Scott's beard grow back that fast, haha. It's very complimentary to canon! And I'm glad to see you continuing to show Doug's POV alongside Scott's own POV. It's a really fun touch that I'm enjoying!

Onto the next chapter now!
SafyreSky chapter 2 . 6/7/2019
It was a lovely surprise to see not one, not two, not THREE, but FIVE CHAPTERS posted in quick succession! I haven't had the opportunity to read them until now, but figured I'd refresh myself with the first three chapters first :)

I quite love stories that focus on the Legendary Council, whether it be one figure in particular or all of them as a whole, so I'm still super stoked that this EXISTS and that you've finished it! Very exciting. I like how you're showing bits of Scott's transformation alongside Doug's POV. It sets up for some interesting parallels! I don't think I mentioned that last time!

You can expect five more reviews in a bit as I read through the new content. Nice to see you back at it, AND to see this story completed and on the first page! I'm excited to read on :)

SafyreSky chapter 3 . 11/11/2013
Alright you got me, I'm quite interested.

I like the reasoning behind this Father Time's wanting out, and let me tell you I was not expecting that kind of death, I was kind of hoping he'd forget Father Time stuff and be put back right where he was picked up bazillions of years ago.

Anywho, don't leave this story hanging! It's lovely, and I hope to see an update in the near future!

SafyreSky chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
This is a very interesting premise for a story so far. Especially since I really love the Council of Legendary Figures and exploring how they work and how they got there and what happened before they were legends!
Don't mind me as I casually read on, I'm quite interested!