Reviews for The Hidden Vermillion Crane
PinkKitty2713 chapter 2 . 7/21/2016
This is really good, please continue.
Julius Kingsley chapter 2 . 4/4/2016
Fascinating story indeed .
CC has awakened his memories and now he will be Julius and Lelouch at the same time .
Please update this story .
Koukoi1412 chapter 2 . 8/12/2015
This is brilliant! One of your finest stories-if not actually the best. It's amazing how you managed to keep them in character, especially Lelouch who is not quite Lelouch. Cc is as snarky and insightful as ever and that part about Lelouch's choice of alcoholic drink offers such a vivid picture of the state he was in.
Brilliant as always.
23meraki chapter 2 . 5/19/2015
I love this! When are you going to update this? :D
zath9 chapter 2 . 11/3/2014
I love this, please continue; too many good fics are left to die!
Velgamidragon chapter 2 . 8/17/2014
Oh yes! Flirting Julius (*cough* Lelouch *cough*) and C.C., my beautiful and sexy OTP (Pfft! LelouchandC. ?)
shiitsuu chapter 2 . 1/30/2014
I like how you've set it out for C.C. to have travelled to meet Lel- Julius all the way in the EU. :) I've been thinking/hoping that C.C. had followed Julius to the EU in order to steal him back. Am I right in guessing that something else will happen in your story that will make him lose his memory/need to be brainwashed again to become an ordinary Lelouch Lamperouge? :) Then C.C. has to follow him back to Japan, etc. etc., cuing the start of R2? (At least that's my theory as to how they're going to make Akito the Exiled fit in with R2 since it feels they shoehorned Julius into it. :s)

Flirty Julius, hmmm. I'm guessing that if Lelouch had been left to fend for himself (and Nunnally) in court and had Marianne not been murdered, he would have found out that he could flirt his way with his charisma to get what he wanted from some people. ...but considering how the other consorts and their children never hid their disdain for him, Nunnally, and Marianne, I don't really see him being the flirtatious type. Arrogant, charismatic, yes, but not really flirtatious. But I guess it works here; you could probably say that he was trying to be bigger than how he actually felt to make up for the frustratingly empty gaps in his memory and he doesn't want to seem incompetent when he's got such an intellect and looks to get him what he wants (e.g. when he's about to kiss Aurelia).

This story has a different feel from your other works, and I think that's a good thing, because it means you're improving. There weren't as many superfluous descriptions in here compared to your recent writings like in The Witch and the Warlock, but maybe tone down the usage of terms such as "raven-haired"? If it's already clear who's speaking, then there's no need to continue pointing out his hair-colour; you can simply use his name-it's not a crime to write with simple words! Don't feel that you have to always use gigantic fancy words to make your writing good.

May I suggest something else as well? It would be good if you try avoiding tautology in your writing, e.g. "Now, it looked as if a madman had waltzed in before absconding with great haste." There wasn't a need to have "with great haste" since to abscond already means to depart in a rush.

Other than that, I really like what you've done! Looking forward to more. :)
IceKatana005 chapter 2 . 1/11/2014
It's really good...really descriptive...please update soon.
Destrark chapter 2 . 1/1/2014
I kept flicking back to the bit that had 'Aurelia' introed in the bedroom with the wrong hair and eye colour and kept thinking 'is this C.C.?' so it was pure pleasure to read the bit where she pulls the wig off. wonderful, hope this isn't finished yet!
Getsunohimesama chapter 2 . 11/30/2013
One thing can be said about this story:
You got me hooked! It's brilliant! :)

Update soon!
TTY7 chapter 2 . 11/10/2013
Not your best chapter? What are you talking about? Are you crazy!? This chapter was fantastic! I love how you made Julius because we know absolutely nothing about how Lelouch acts as him yet and the way you portray him, he feels like Lelouch with an added flair of arrogance as well as insanity. Plus, the grammar in this, as far as I can tell, was PERFECT! The whole thing flowed brilliantly! This feels like a legit Code Geass plot. And while it's canon that Lelouch regained his memories later on, to have him regain his memories here makes for very interesting things. Like how Lelouch is going to handle being in the thick of Britannian and European society and find a way to get back to Japan.

In other words, this chapter was epic and everything was placed perfectly. I loved it. Absolutely adore the whole thing from start to finish and can't wait to see where you take this next. Keep this goodness coming!
Lady Ariadna chapter 2 . 11/8/2013
OMG! I love this! Great job! Keep it up. How you portrayed Julius is fine with me. Actually, I love it! Goodness knows Lelouch needs it. As for the action, why not try it? Believe me, I've read worse so it's fine. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Fireminer chapter 2 . 11/7/2013
What a nice surprise! Love what you did with Julius!
BeautifullyChaotic49 chapter 2 . 11/7/2013
Lol, a flirtatious Julius is fun! He is so in control that he even knows how to make women fall head over-heels for him, or something, lol.

I knew it was C.C! From when she first told him that she is usually called "witch" instead of "wench", but then you gave her a different name and I was like, "It's not C.C?" But it was!

Awesome! Keep this up!

By the way, romance between which characters? know me chapter 2 . 11/7/2013
I am far too lazy to log in sorry but this...I loved this. I was intrigued. Honestly I was rather suprised when you started this fic considering all your fics so far have been romances between Lelouch and C.C.. and I discarded the idea of it being impossible almost immediately because the time frame it is set in. And I considered the possibility of it being a romance between this mysterious girl and Julius in the first chapt but I thought it unlikely that you would suddenly write a romance between an oc and lelouch/Julius. And then this chapter began and after we really met her I knew she had to be C.C. and realized this would be an AU. And man this was good. Very well writen, entertaining, intriguing. I am interested to see whee this will go. As for genre...I don't have much preference either way. Romance would be lovely and so would action. It could be cool seeing him battle against Britannia disguised as Julius as well. Maybe a combination. Honestly do whatever YOU want. As for julius' personality. I loved the portrayal. It's quite interesting. And I actually loved how flirtatious he was, especially when I realized who Aurelia(or whatever her name was) was. And honestly I was laughing quite a lot thinking... Julius...I am not sure Lelouch would approve of using his body so promiscuoisly... and overall I found his demeanor quite fitting. Also not as a criticism but rather for intrigue...I have heard people have read that Suzaku actually tortures Lelouch in a sense, like not allowing him to drink or something and screwing with him by handing things to him on his left, the side with the eyepatch. And I noticed the penname change as well and needless to say I was surprised, but it's intesting. And I guess I will just wait to see whether you keep or change it and adjust accordingly. Oh and as for the chapter titles. I would need a little time to think about it. Anyways, as always I wish you all the best.
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