Reviews for Lovers and (Just) Friends
Mirandaannw chapter 9 . 7/12/2018
This is really great, I hope you continue it
Guest chapter 9 . 6/16/2014
This story is so great and it's love it's potential from here! PLZ CONTINUE!
J2CaReese chapter 9 . 4/11/2014
Excellent Careese fics. I especially loved because it is based on my favorite "lady killer" episode Careese. For me, this is the episode where John and shows his love for Joss. He cares about her, he wants to be with her and most importantly, shows that he is jealous of Ian. Reading your fics, it reviews the episode perfectly. You have added the missing parts Careese: what happened when John stayed with Joss before appointment with Ian and especially what happened between Zoe and John after leaving girls. I liked the confessions and the reunion of John and Joss for their appointment. Finally, I appreciated all religions Careese sentences:

- "Whatever this is"; "Just friends"; "You're stuck with me."

Congratulations and lively CAREESE
SailorChronos1 chapter 9 . 4/10/2014
This is a really nice take on the events of that episode, and you've expressed the characters' inner thoughts in a convincing manner. Well done!
crypticnotions chapter 9 . 4/8/2014
A nice ending to this fic. A great conversation that fits very well with the tenor of the story. Kinda sad it's over tbh.
Kalie Careese chapter 9 . 4/5/2014
Love the I lov... cut off... I hope Joss picked it up.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/5/2014
Well that was honest... lol loved it.
mschessplayer chapter 9 . 4/5/2014
yay, J&J take the journey together and survive.
nicdvidmaker chapter 9 . 4/4/2014
Beautiful ending to a great story. Good writing Carolina919! Really enjoyed.
jakela chapter 9 . 4/3/2014
Mrs. E-R, you did an excellent job of illustrating that unique push and pull between them, the 'whatever this is' that made every exchange so memorable. Their journey isn't linear, it is definitely a dance between them, which makes it so fascinating. Great job, and congratulations on adding another wonderful Careese tale that folks can return to again, and again!
Chellero chapter 9 . 4/3/2014
Oh wow. This did not go how I thought it would. And that's what made it so great! You kept it all the way real here. They covered some ground and did not sugarcoat things.

"Excuse me for wanting to keep something to myself so that I can tell you on my own time when I was ready" -I love that she said this.

It was so interesting watching them spar. Being right about the other's secret but wanting the other to say it. That was brilliantly written. Her thinking he didn't trust her enough to tell her about the machine and him thinking she didn't trust him enough to tell him about Elias (and Paul by extension). But it turns out they were both reluctant not b/c of a lack of trust but rather fear for the other's safety. These two, man...

I loved how you incorporated those canon lines at the end there. Oh, and Reese stopping himself before he confessed more than they were both ready for. Just wonderful. I like how they covered significant ground but did not wrap things up neatly. There's still more to work through.

Good good stuff. Thanks so much for sharing. :)
Guest chapter 9 . 4/2/2014
Wow! I absolutely loved this! The way John and Joss were gradually losing the the battle to keep secrets from each other, and the way you wrote them not answering questions before asking more questions was brilliant! This was worth the wait, thank you so much! Will you please write another Careese story for us, pretty please? I miss them so much and no longer watch the show, so I am always giddy when I come here and see new Careese stories. Thank you! : )
Kayla2 chapter 9 . 4/2/2014
This was absolutely perfect. I loved this story and I'm so sad to see it go. You are wonderful writer. Thanks for this gift.
ravenhusker chapter 9 . 4/2/2014
Thanks for finishing the story. I feel like taking these two and locking them up in a room until they finish laying everything out on the table. They can't just tell each other that they love each other. They can't just come out with whatever it is that they want to say. Nooooo. There's always some reason why they feel the need to hold back with each other on seemingly everything. Noooo. They have to browbeat each other to death. Now is not the time to bare all secrets. Really? With all due respect, they could die tomorrow. Spill the darn beans!
odalys-ortiz chapter 9 . 4/2/2014
Now that's a much better way to have the two of them discussing the big secrets in their lives. Thanks for not making Joss know about the Machine as out of nowhere as what they did in the show. At least how you did it, there is a sense that there will be more for Joss to learn later unlike in the show where it was rushed to heck. Happy that you finally finished this. I was growing old here.
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