Reviews for Terms of Endearment
Springtrap Prime chapter 3 . 2/18/2017
I got the fragging giggles now XD
FuryCookie chapter 3 . 11/11/2016
This is such a crack-fic! I love it! Now the plot bunnies are attacking me! HELP! (So much exclamation marks)! This is like the funniest story l've ever read. Please continue!
DestructiveEmily chapter 3 . 4/12/2015
Oh my gosh... That is ever so twisted... I LOVE IT!
igeegeei chapter 3 . 12/6/2014
At first I was like 'no... I void fanfictions like this' then I read CRACK GALORE and was like 'hmmmm maybe...' then I actually read it... now I need to replace my ventilation and my fuel pump because they broke X-D
Oliviaaaaa chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
OMG when are you going to update this and your other fanfic once more?!
autumnfloweres chapter 3 . 8/14/2014
I am pretty sure this fic broke my brain. I feel like Prowl... I have to admit though. It is fragging hysterical. I don't think I have laughed this hard in a long time.
Magnusrae chapter 3 . 7/5/2014
Gotta love the crack! Honestly, I wasn't sure about this fic until Optimus figured out how to fight back. Now it's on! And on more equal terms. I can't wait to see what happens next!
SweetSpark22 chapter 3 . 6/18/2014
And I look forward to the next chapter.
SweetSpark22 chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
I feel kinda guilty about how much I'm enjoying this since Optimus is my favorite character, second being Megatron. Oh, my poor, conflicted brain.
bbratteberget chapter 3 . 4/20/2014
Ha,ha,ha,totally loving it! :)
BaraKiryuHuntress chapter 3 . 4/9/2014
I was giggling throughout the whole thing! This is hilarious! :)
Lair of the Twisted Muses chapter 3 . 4/8/2014
I'm glad that I can come back to this without cringing/fuming at Megatron's antics (I'm sorry, it just pains me to see people being undeservingly humiliated, partly due to having suffered it quite a few times in my younger years, and with the last chapter ending on an apparent drugging, well...). It's great to see that this will be going the route I'd been praying for. I can just hope that Optimus will be able to keep it up and flow with any insanity Megatron may try tripping him with. :)
MaestroANC chapter 3 . 4/5/2014
Optimus and Megatron are just going to stress out their subordinates more with their antics XD
DifferentOctave chapter 3 . 4/3/2014
I see how this is going... XD Very good story! Kudos to you!
Kokua Aviatrix chapter 3 . 4/3/2014
Megatron should be grateful that Optimus didn't go the bridezilla route XD
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