Reviews for A Case of Identity
Oustiti chapter 1 . 8/5/2007
Dumbledore sees a corps - "ow dear!" XD

Sirius is really funny in this one. I love the Sirius-Snap fights.
ParadigmSlider chapter 2 . 10/7/2003
All right, now I'm annoyed. I could have SWORN I reviewed this! Oh well... I really love the banter between Snape and Sirius, and I'm really scared for the whole school. Oh, got to go. Update! (:
Dani chapter 2 . 8/23/2003
You must post more! And if you aren't busy, You must email when you have it finished! This is the greatest! I haven't read something this good in a really long time. The detail is great, and I'm actually quite afraid for the school! More!
kelek chapter 2 . 7/17/2003
Your story's so good! _ Wow, you actually use pretty good English, too! No offense, of course! I meant, compared to how some other people write their fan fictions! So interesting! [Wondering what's going to happen next...]
herringprincess chapter 2 . 6/9/2003
thats one powerful little brew!

im afraid i wont be able to solve anything, or get the holmes references, being totally ignorant of murder mysteries generally. i do have what my dad calls 'police instinct' in that people i dont like in plays and books and things usually turn out to be baddies... but that probably wont help me here :-)

lol, 'you speak in riddles, git' humorous even in mystery/action/adventure.

brilliant as always, id tell you to write more soon but ive got so much more of your stuff still to read i probably wouldnt read it for ages anyway :-)
SurrealSerpent chapter 2 . 5/15/2003
Ah.. i love Sev and Siri fics (non-slash of course! _ ), and i really love this fic! but update quicker pleasy?

Keep it up!
sevter chapter 2 . 5/3/2003
So who brewed the poison?
sevter chapter 1 . 5/3/2003
A very strange chapter...I'm surprised they can offer civil words to each other...
Ozma chapter 2 . 5/2/2003
It's wonderful to see a second chapter! I love this fic!

"The cat who did nothing in the morning" is a definite reference to the dog in one of the Holmes stories who didn't bark. Your use of Mrs. Norris was brilliant! Now you've got me wondering why she didn't react to anything unusual.

(Filch would certainly agree that Mrs. Norris is smarter than he is.)

The two really undectable poisons are horrific, and they are both brilliant inventions. You are a genius!

Speaking of genius, I love the way that you write Sirius and Severus together. ("Martyred Mongrel!" Snape's names for Sirius crack me up!)
frozen-curious chapter 2 . 4/28/2003
good to see you updated

teribe, isn't it, having such a potion exsists

(look very alike to a certain type of virus spreading...*sign*)
sweetnessspy chapter 2 . 4/24/2003
my fav stories are when sirius and snape work together and this one also has a damn good plot- please post more soon! i wanna read more
negative9 chapter 2 . 4/23/2003
*DUN DUN DUN...* That was great! I love how Snape's trying to be professional about everything, and Black keeps interrupting with stupid/humourous comments. You're wonderful at writing Snape's thoughts, I can't wait to read more!
ickle-helena chapter 2 . 4/23/2003
Great! Fabulous lines as usual: "You speak in riddles, git." Makes perfect sense that Snape knows a lot about murder weapons. The undetectable poisons sound very interesting as well, original and plausible.

Snape wants to be wrong? Must be bad...
chris chapter 2 . 4/17/2003

sorry for my bad english because I'm french !

I love you fic I like so much the couple Sirius and Severus

I'm waiting for the next chapter!

See you soon,,
kitsunelover chapter 2 . 4/13/2003
OOh . . . this is really good! Keep going, but don't let Snape die! Other than that . . . um . . . well, just keep writing! *continues biting fingernails in agitation*
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