Reviews for Self destruction
lolostark chapter 1 . 4/29/2018
I like it
the-new-face-in-town chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
*gasp!* Why would she do such a thing?! This is so depressing. Don't get me wrong, it's a good story, a great one at that. Just depressing...
seashell77 chapter 1 . 10/6/2013
I really like this, very emotional but in a sincere way as opposed to a melodramatic way. I just wish Heather knew that the willpower she has shown in cutting calories and overexercising means that she has the strength to set her life back on track. *sigh* brilliantly written, it really had me feeling for Heather, Well done.
angelvan105 chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
Poor Heather.. It bring me feel so much tears.. It was very dramatic and tragedy story EVER! I somehow understand Heather for feeling similar problem self esteem issues but only for bullied from others people. I do truly sad for Heather she seem to be have mean look, BIG EGO! and dangerous at time but inside she really innocent, ashamed and confused.. I somehow related to her by cruel and harsh life during painful memories of her childhood. She is ones of my favourite only by her goodness and once so innocent! it was terrific job!
play for keeps chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
This is so powerful! As always, so well written, so profound, and so detailed. What I liked about this was her parents and everyone around her pretty much didn't pay attention to her when she was a little pudgy, but when she took off that little weight, then she started getting compliments from them and she felt like she was finally noticed. That's beyond saddening.

I also liked your explanation of why Heather wore revealing clothes in Total Drama because I was just thinking it while reading and you answered my question :) She thinks if she revealed her body to the world, it would be an incentive to lose more weight.

The fact that Heather knows the nutrition facts and calories of most foods is really scary too, and she had to cancel with Alejandro :(

I always like angst :) Very well done! I have a story from my own life in relation to what you wrote and how people and society pay heavy attention to women's figures. When I was 16 I was at a summer camp and went to get an ice cream bar from the dining hall. I got the bar and looked at the ingredients on the back because I'm allergic to tree nuts and I wanted to make sure it wasn't processed or manufactured with any. When I was looking, a lady counselor looked at me and said "You don't need to do that!" I looked at her and asked "Do what?" and she said "Check for calories." -_- I've never dealt with a weight problem in my life, I've always been lean and skinny, and at 16 I was still the same. So when she said that I said I was allergic to nuts and was checking the ingredients and she just said "oh." But seriously, why would a complete stranger think a teenage girl, a slim girl at that, is only checking the nutrition facts of food because she's watching her weight? I think this is how people become paranoid and eating disorders come up, when everyone is constantly thinking about how you look and your weight and judging you for it, no wonder girls have so many problems. Society has ruined the minds of people to be heavily conscious of physical appearance.

And that's the end of my rant :)
capostrophe chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
Ah this is so brilliant, all the emotion and insight and...*cries with feels*. Especially the bit where she was insecure about having dinner with Alejandro 'cause she didn't want him to see her...ahhh made me cry but I love it so much, all the pain was so brilliantly written.
GreenPokeGuy chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
Wow, poor Heather. Her parents and society must have really affected her. :(

I liked it, though. You could tell how Heather was feeling, and the reader could relate. Good job. :)

Jaynezstar chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
I liked it.
I'll Cover Angel and Collins chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
Oh wow...This is actually pretty good. I like this so much. you write with so much emotion. Great job.
TheQueenofBooks1000 chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
Poor Heather... :(

I kind of understand how she feels. It's no fun being overweight, and a lot of girls face her problem on a daily basis, wanting to look thinner and prettier. Damn society's standards of how a woman should look...

Anyway, the way she perceived herself was interesting, it kind of made us understand why she's doing something so unhealthy.

Great job with this story! I really like it. :D