Reviews for Werewolf Birthday
LupinsGirlSA chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
Awww, sweet and sad and absolutely perfect. Yes, Sirius would be the first to go in for a snog...

"No matter what colour her hair is." Yep, I ship those two.
Littlefish130 chapter 1 . 12/23/2013
This. I don't think words can say how much I appreciated this story. It was unbelievably perfect.
starfishstar chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
Oh man, even your "fluff" makes me so sad for Remus, though...

I love that Remus is bothering to object to strong language even when it's both drunken and in support of *him* :-)

"We should all be so lucky!" Hear, hear, Alice.

And of course impetuous Sirius would actually be the first kiss!

I don't know if this is how you meant this, and other readers seem to have taken it more lightly, but I read this as Remus not just having enjoyed Lily's kiss the most, or feeling closer to Lily because she's a good friend, but in fact being in love with her, at least a bit, which is terribly sad...

But it's always good to see Remus surrounded by friends, who are forcefully reminding him that they are in fact his friends. And I like how you structure this, starting in the midst of the action, and slowly/naturally enfolding the premise that led to the scene (it's Remus' birthday, the others have just found out he's never kissed anyone, etc.)
RedIsNotAColour chapter 1 . 9/24/2013
This was brilliant, not what I was expecting from the summary haha but I like it just the same!
It made me laugh in the right places and the banter was great.
I think you've really captured the marauders and their friends perfectly :D
isigirl chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
aww this is so sweet. I love it
Gilpin chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Shimotsuki recommended your stories, and I'd made a note to have a look when I had chance and then this appeared! I'll certainly be coming back to look at some more. This was funny and touching, and exactly the sort of reaction Remus seems to inspire in his friends (and his readers, lol). It's a great image of him stood there covered in lipstick, both revelling in it and marvelling at it all, and the only sadness is that he needed a lot more of this and did seem to forget Lily's words about being thoroughly loved for far too long.

I may need to hear that proverb about not getting a werewolf drunk. LOL. Thanks for a most enjoyable and perfectly timed read. :)
FromMyMind chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Awww, this is so sweet! I absolutely love it - I love Remus, and this was the perfect fluffy story!
shimotsuki11 chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
*sniff* This was absolutely perfect - that Remus's Order friends would go all out for him, and that there was something a little more special about Lily that made her both hard to kiss and the best snog of them all.

And - "no matter what color her hair is" - awwww.

I suppose it wasn't quite another nineteen years, even! More like seventeen? (gah) (and I am not going to think about where another _nineteen_ years got him, or I'll lose all the warm fuzzies this gave me, heh)

Loved Sirius for breaking the ice, though. And he _would_, too.
rudesventure chapter 1 . 8/7/2013
Holy crap, that's exactly what my reasoning was. i just read his bio and to cheer myself up i went in search of nice fluffy fanfics about the equally fluffy werewolf. a bit glad i found this one. Remus needs more love.
R.A. Draylin chapter 1 . 8/7/2013
Hdhdhsjshruebdhjcbrjendhdhfbjrjdvdjsks! You have no idea how happy you made me! I'm not really a Ronks shipper, I'm more into Wolfstar, but this... this was perf! Fantastic job,I loved it!:3
Arashi - IV of VI chapter 1 . 8/7/2013
Amazing! :)
MunchkinsNarglesandLuna chapter 1 . 8/7/2013
Awww.. This was really cute