Reviews for Just Another Cliche
Guest chapter 18 . 4/15/2018
i loved it. i cam read it 50 times also wow. my fav AUSTIN AND ALLY story
wow i cant get over ijt. u r the best. love ur story
jcarter692 chapter 18 . 1/27/2016
WOW, I am almost beyond speechless at how ABSOLUTELY AMAZING this entire story was! I loved every part of it even the really sad and depressing parts, they all led up to the most perfect and beautifully written ending! Your writing is amazing and would've been just what I needed to read when I was in high school. Nonetheless, I'm so happy I found this story, I will always love Auslly! I would definitely recommend this to teens and even young adults. Now I have to read any and everything you've written! Also, I love listening to music to set the scene to your writing, you really know how to capture a picture with words. I can see your future novels being turned into a film one day! Never stop writing, you have true a talent! :)
BROOKE chapter 18 . 11/26/2015
This story warms my heart to see two younG adults in love and tryinG to fight the feelings and you made it seem so real you have a talent for weighting you should use it
Alba chapter 18 . 8/5/2015
Riane chapter 18 . 7/20/2015
First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on an amazing job on this story. It was really good, I loved it! And secondly... are you Pinoy? Or have you at least watched the Filipino movie Must Be Love? Because OH MY GOD, this sounded so much like it! From the obvious bestfriends falling in love plot, my favorite line from the movie: "Mata ang unang nagmamahal" aka "Your eyes fall in love first" to the moment at the end when Austin says that he doesn't believe in time slowing down, but instead in 'fast forwards' and seeing the person you love at the altar. The movie was so focused on that concept. Maybe I'm wrong with my assumptions here, but if you are, I am so happy to have read an amazing story by a kababayan. Hahaha. Amazing job, again! Keep writing!
elsie rivers chapter 18 . 1/4/2015
you don't know how much i LOVE this story. It's unbelievable. It's my favorite fanfiction, hands down. I love it more than anything i've ever read. Thanks for taking the time to write this, I mean, this story has changed the way i think. I'm not even kidding. Please keep writing! :)
elsie rivers chapter 18 . 12/4/2014
i finally found it! finally! i read this amazing story awhile ago, but lately ive been coming back to auslly fanfiction, and i remembered this one absolutely phenomenal story about platonic friendships i read before, and i just NEEDED to find it again. and i did! i LOVE your story. it is legit the best auslly story ive ever read. and im not just saying that. it really really really is. i have a blog where i talked about auslly fanfictions in one post, and i was looking and looking to find this one so i could attach the link on there, but i couldnt find it. and now that i have, i can finally relieve the auslly fanfiction stress ive had ever since i lost this one story. i love love LOVE it, and i mean it. i really do.

btw, if you want to check out my blog, it's foreverme628 and then .wordpress and then .com
you know, if you have free time or something :)
Orangesarecool chapter 18 . 10/2/2014
I've been reading this fic since 1 in the morning and I honestly can't even. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU MADE ME CRY? GAWD like this story is simply amazing and so ugh indescribably heartfelt. I'm gonna go cry some more now lol IT WAS SO GOOD wait IT IS SO GOOD loved it!
KiannaCakes123 chapter 13 . 9/18/2014
NOOOOOOOOO, she can't like Elliot. She just can't. Why couldn't Austin like Ally back(which I'm sure he does) but still. And Elliot annoys me.
Yellow Converse5 chapter 18 . 7/16/2014
kim chapter 18 . 6/26/2014
this was amazing! it was really cute 3
weesh chapter 18 . 5/3/2014
I really enjoyed this story. Ally's character arc was great because she came to know and love herself and that's such a great message and important thing for everyone to do. All told, I actually liked that Austin wasn't ready when Ally said she loved him. And I like that she thought about it when he finally figured out his feelings - she took the time to decide what she really wanted and didn't just fall into his arms because it was easy. Elliott was fun and it was cool how he tried to help Ally out. Kira will never be my favorite character for personal reasons, so I didn't care what you did to her here. I'm just glad Ally had enough self respect to find a new friend in Trish and figure out herself.
Great story.
pan-cakez-xx chapter 1 . 4/17/2014
woA h I've been looking for this thing for how many months
Guest chapter 17 . 2/25/2014
Please do a sequel of this.. I'm begging you... WE are begging you! please :)))

Guest chapter 17 . 2/14/2014
That was so cute my feels! Xxx
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