Reviews for Ripples
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8
Please Please Please, update This so amazing story , i see you update yours last warcraft fanfiction in 5 desember 2019...and i have a hope you Visited your fanfiction profile and you can update This ...i love This story so much ( im sorry for my gramatics but im from poland )
AraelDranoth chapter 3 . 4/3/2019
Fantastic stuff! Keep up the good work.
AraelDranoth chapter 2 . 4/3/2019
Great story. Well-written and believable. Well done!
Lux Malum Tenebris chapter 10 . 11/3/2018
I hope you'll return to this one day. It's a good AU fic that needs an ending
Guest chapter 10 . 2/10/2018
I know it has been a very, very long time since this last has been updated, please, oh please finish the story! I love it so far, and the cliff hanger is killing me.
Please Update!
Guest chapter 10 . 9/20/2017
Are you going to update this? Because holy shit- this is the best AC3 fic I've read so far. Consistent, descriptive writing, well-developed plot, etc. I love Haytham, Charles and "Ayden" in this too. Dunno if it'll ever come, bit I'll be waiting for an update.
The Book Keeper a.k.a. Etamin chapter 3 . 8/28/2017
This chapter made me squeal. Although, seriously; you should have picked Edward over Aiden. No, come on, really. If anything, Haytham would have named his son after his late father, because he is conservative that way.
ccandy chapter 7 . 1/9/2017
Oh my.. This is my fav chapter! Love every banter between Ayden and Haytham. So funny.. I hope you will update this story someday..SOMEDAY..
SilverWolf3313 chapter 10 . 10/17/2016
This is so good! I've been following this story since you published it! Please don't say that you've forgotten or given up on this story! It's utterly fantastic!
Tamiya chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
hi there, i would like to respectfully beg you to continue this Ripples please. its so beautifullt written and fleshed out and i love it so much please continue
Nemo et Nihil chapter 10 . 12/30/2015
*blink blink* That can't be it!? * looks around for the rest* Where's the rest of it? Do they get Connor back? Does Haythem rescue his son? Does he switch sides? There has to be more! Its so good!
FrostByterFang chapter 1 . 10/17/2015
This is indeed, a very promising start to a story.

The characters' personalities, the grammar, the whole thing is exemplary. I loved how you represented Haytham's sardonic personality and drove Ziio into a corner that cast her for who she is deep down. Independent, but weak in a motherly way but still her stubborn self. William Johnson didn't even seem so villainous himself! Brilliant.

Moreover, I am impressed with he idea of this story being told in a different way. I always enjoyed a good AU, but I'm never so bold as to write one myself. My understanding of American History is a tad limited as well, so it would render my writing an odd air.
Athena Fall chapter 10 . 6/20/2015
Is this going to be continued I loved it
ShiiroiKitsune21 chapter 10 . 6/10/2015
I like it so much! It was time for a story like this to be written! :D
I love how you write everything, leaving some events in the agenda and then slamming them in our faces!
Please, this has to be continued! I can't be left like this to wonder how Ayden will escape the Assassins! I really hope you didn't abandon this story, it's too awesome! ;)
katniss12 chapter 10 . 1/18/2015
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