Reviews for Industry of chaos
puntareuchi chapter 8 . 3/11/2014
KYAAAAAA! Love the sweet ending! Totally! I always love how Shadow's smirk/smile in romantic way.
No, you dont need to make the sequel. Hope to see your's again!
shallowdeepcreation24 chapter 8 . 11/17/2013
...Woah. My eyes! This is absolutely indescribable. An amazing ending and a unique idea, truly magnificent. I'll have to say, this is perfection, minus the minor errors but, I don't really mind, the creativity is what matters, and it is fully to my satisfaction. As a thank you for viewing my story, i am giving you my sincere thank you.
The Seventh Sage chapter 8 . 9/12/2013
Aww, the ending is so cute! You should make a sequel, where Shadow looses his agelessness or Blaze becomes ageless too.
Blazelvr chapter 8 . 8/18/2013
I NEED a sequel to survive please
Lost and Forgotten Memories chapter 8 . 8/18/2013
That was so sweet. But you didn't put down what happend to Somic, just saying. It was such a cute ending.
Neizd Ra'zhavir chapter 8 . 8/18/2013
Beautifully done, excelent job on this fic :) Loved how you didn't forgotten that Shadow is ageless and how in spite of that, he and Blaze still decided to be together! If I was rating this story I would give it 150/100 points, that's how awesome it is :)
The Seventh Sage chapter 6 . 8/10/2013
This is interesting... And by interesting, I mean AWESOME! And by the way, your English is pretty good, considering that it is not your first language. Keep up the good work!
Lost and Forgotten Memories chapter 6 . 8/10/2013
Wow, this is really good. What a well planned plot. This was exciting, and really kept my attention. And honestly, your English is better than some people who's native language IS English. Keep going!
37294729 chapter 5 . 8/4/2013
So I have been following this story since the firat chapter, and I love the almost 'sci-fi' plot to it. At first I thought this was all action, but when I read the romance scenes I was super happy x) you have a good mixture of genres. Keep it up:)
Neizd Ra'zhavir chapter 4 . 7/28/2013
Loved this chapter :D It had a lot of action and nice scenes in it that I just could see happening :) Keep up the good work!
Neizd Ra'zhavir chapter 3 . 7/25/2013
Very enjoyable story, it keeps reader interested, since nothing is obvious :) It starts great with big potential, and honestly I would love to see more. Especially liked Shadow and Blaze part and how well you keep the characters in their personalities :D Keep up the good work!
Lord Kelvin chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
Easiest way to write English is to read English beforehand.

Grab a few fanfics you see on FFN. Things you will most likely spot:

Dialogue is done via "quotation marks" instead of dashes. Dialogue paragraphs frequently have dialogue tags, explanations of who is speaking. Example: '"Didn't see you there," Sonic said.'

Punctuation has special spacing rules. You normally put a space after a punctuation mark, not before. Also evident in the example above.

You have a brilliant title, but the summary is out there. In a summary, you summarise the story, not your native tongue. This should happen regardless of the language you speak of.

Have a nice, abuse-free day.