Reviews for Work In Progress (S5 Finale)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2019
‘I got bored. Realised I didn’t like the new job. Thought my backup plan would be waiting for me, wagging his tail. So, marry me?’ And just like that, Beckett got away yet again without any repercussions.
SeannysMom chapter 2 . 5/29/2014
Very angsty story but with an happy end ! I really liked it. Thank you.
CWT chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
I liked the first 80% of it, up until he said 'yes' to her. You went from

"It wasn't something that I could just casually get over, shrug my shoulders and smile while saying all is forgiven. Nothing about this entire situation would ever be forgiven."

to him agreeing to marry her. I just think it was extremely rushed, obviously you've decided to do a one-shot which forces the issues but yeah it didn't seem natural to me

Liked it overall, but didn't like the end
Joshua chapter 2 . 5/29/2013
Nicely done. it was a good idea to do one form Kate's POV. I think this is as far as it can go. I have read your new story. it looks promising.
Mandy chapter 2 . 5/29/2013
Thank you! That was amazing!
Soprano009 chapter 2 . 5/29/2013
I just think that if I where Castle I would always remember I was not enough and the job was more important.

Somehow I get the feeling Castle was a back up plan. She wanted to take the job in DC and if she didn't like it there was always Castle in New York to go back too. It also felt as if she came back to New York more because she didn't like the job. If she would have loved the job I am wondering if she would have come back then.

At least if I where Castle I would always think like that.
Mandy chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
You should continue this with Kate's pov!
Jclimactic chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
Wow. Ok, I could actually believe this - a way a rejection could work without killing either character.
Dbear chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
Very realistic and very well done, one thing many of the Kate fans don’t seem to get is that if Kate does take the job, considering how poorly she handled the situation, well that means the end of their relationship in all likelihood.

Castle will remember for the rest of his life that in Kate Beckett’s needs and wants he rates very low.

I like seeing Castle pissed, because over the four episode arch (excluding Still which obviously was not Marlow’s idea considering it does not fit at all with the other three episodes), Beckett has treated Castle like a pet she can push aside for an “better” guy (yes I think Kate was an active participant in the Vaughn crap), or for a “better” position.

Rick would know the first he would have heard of the job if he hadn’t found the ticket stub was Kate breaking up with when she moved to DC.

Castle or any other human (man of woman) should be livid with Kate, but instead we get a bunch of stories with him being her pet monkey.

It was refreshing to seeing Castle act like a real human being and actually re-finding his spine.

Like many I kind of wish at the end Castle wasn’t quite so forgiving, would like to see Kate actually work hard at something for once. But I understand this was a one shot, and thus had to be a bit rushed at the end due to space.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
What, no kiss ?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
jennkyle chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
Another great one I think by September we will all be crazy with all the fanfics I hope to make it a long with my dvds
LittleLizzieZentara chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
If she does say 'no' and go to DC, I hope it does go something like this. And then I hope there is real follow-through in Beckett FINALLY realizing it's NOT all about her. And I really like the way Castle stood up for himself in this. He has done it a few times on the show but sometimes it's like she so often doesn't have to deal with the consequences of her actions and so she thinks/acts like they are a non-issue and any similiar actions taken in the future don't matter. Yes, as much as I love Caskett, it is one of my very few pet peeves.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
Good story I think it would be a good multichapter fic
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
I really loved this story.

You write very well, express characters feelings emotions clearly without becoming overly descriptive or flowery.

I loved how strong you had Castle, finally standing up for himself, for realising that he does in fact deserve better.

My only complaint is how easily he took her back after her proposal. I know this is a one-shot so a long drawn out rekindling can't occur, but I would have like to see her regain his trust first.
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