Reviews for 1915
Lmb111514 chapter 13 . 1/31/2019
This story was incredibly interesting to read- I enjoyed reading about Alfred and Arthur's experience with the sinking of the Lusitania. I enjoyed reading this universe you created and have been incredibly impressed with all the research you did in the process. Thank you for writing this!
Diurnal Days chapter 13 . 11/13/2018
I reread this fic after finally finishing Erik Larson's historical novel "Dead Wake" (which my friend stated would be a great companion text to this fic, haha) and it is now 1am and I am overwhelmed with fresh "1915" feels.

I probably articulated everything I love about this fic already, so I'll simply quickly touch on the fact that Arthur and Alfred's expressed mutual love - both despite and because of their suffering - is so, so heartbreakingly sweet to bear witness to. The moment where Alfred socks Arthur in the nose stood fresh in my mind as I read this fic, dreading the inevitable. There's so much lost time between them which they could never truly account for. Perhaps after the end of the war Arthur and Alfred finally did spend a few well-deserved blissful weeks together in the English countryside.

As usual, your lavish descriptions stood out to me in my mind, slathering my senses with intricate sensation. I also really appreciated the arousing, if brief, moments of passion between Arthur and Alfred. That's also a talent of yours I've come to appreciate. (Wow, they spent a lot of time together in bed while they were living the renegade life, huh? No wonder why there are rumors and heavily stated words about their 'relationship'.)

Anyway; I superbly enjoyed rereading this fic - avoidable sleep deprivation aside - and I hope to talk to you again soon! Adieu, and keep your eyes peeled next month for surprises from me. ;)
Elisfambasder chapter 13 . 8/31/2018
in love with your universe. will there be any "accident" series? like, a plane?
Caramelarschhut chapter 13 . 8/3/2018
I am absolutely and utterly in love with this universe. I recently thought about 1912 again so I reread 1912 and 1915 in the last few days and they are, like many (all other who am I kidding) other fanfics of yours, masterpieces. The Interactions between Arthur and Alfred never seem forced, always so natural. I personally found that it was always easy for me to imagine a scene because everything just clicked so perfectly. Like, the way the outfits, the rooms and movements are described is amazing. Your Arthur and also your Alfred are one of my most favorite versions of their characters yet. They seem so balanced, not completely stereotyped, with strengths and weaknesses and it is just fun to read how they interact. I normally feel like their relationship is mostly pushed into a way to positive light which doesn't really reflect the both characters since they are quite the opposite of a harmonious couple at times. And also the plot twists in like 1915 the Lusitania carrying weapons or in Nighthawks, Arthur admitting that he is Alfreds father, those were so unexpected(at least for me but I am also really oblivious to warning signs) and shocking they almost kicked me out of my shoes. feel like I could ramble on forever how amazing your fanfics are. In the end I want ro thank you dearly and from the depths of my heart for these stories. They are so beautiful they made me cry a couple of times and the fun I had while reading them is undescribable.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/18/2017
Can't believe it's over.. *sniff* *sniff*
I adore your Arthur and Alfred. You're a talented writer and I must say this is one of the best fan fiction I've read!
lithugraph chapter 13 . 8/12/2016
Oh my gosh! you do it? The dynamic between Arthur and Alfred was absolutely brilliant - I almost forgot I was reading fanfiction. I especially loved the nation versus human undercurrent running throughout. Truly an amazing fic! I learned some things and want to learn more things, which is always a bonus. Also, would love to read a VictorianEra!UKxUS from you...just sayin' _
Guest chapter 13 . 12/1/2015
I guess i am inhuman then! I agreed with Arthur in that situation O.O
BigWhaleAndBlueBird chapter 13 . 6/15/2015
I very much enjoyed this!
Black-Tie-Plum chapter 13 . 5/29/2015
Dear Lord. This was so heartbreakingly beautiful that I couldn't believe I was reading Fanfiction. Not to dampen the intensity of the other chapters, but I definitely felt like chapter 12 was the most intense, and probably one of the best chapters of a Fanfiction I've ever read. I felt that it was so well thought out and the dialogue was deliciously clever. It really cemented you as one of my favourite Fanfiction writers. :)
OutToGarden chapter 10 . 5/10/2015
Coincidentally, the events of this chapter were exactly one century ago from today! I stayed up way too late last night reading 1912 and I just had to read this sequel right after. As always, your descriptions are so vivid and perfect. I got chills while reading the narrative of the ship as it sunk and just the whole blunt horror of it was incredible. I've loved watching Arthur and Alfred interact, too, and seeing them reconnect. Fantastic job on both Atlantic liner sinking stories!
Carpenatem chapter 13 . 2/6/2015
gaaah this story gave me so much emotion!- I've already read it before but I come back to it now and again because it just makes me really think. Yes I think England did deserve a smack to the face and I'm glad he got one but I'm also glad they manage to reconcile in the end- although the way England seemed uneasy after answering America when he asked him if he loved him made me worry about his real feelings- but England is just so complicated, and it feels as though he does love America despite his actions. Anyway I enjoyed this story even along with all the heartache it gave me! and wouldn't mind at all if you ever did feel like visiting this universe once again haha
Alfred F. Jones World Hero chapter 10 . 1/22/2015
Sorry I can't finish this. Alfred is so OC and this is obviously a UKUS story. I tried to finish it to see if it got any better, but could not. Sorry.
Alfred F. Jones World Hero chapter 3 . 1/22/2015
If this is USUK why would he open his legs to Arthur?
Fire Bear1 chapter 13 . 4/16/2014
I don't think I reviewed 1912 (probably cause I finished it late at night and had to hurry to bed) but I really loved both of them. Learning things like this is fun. :)

(Is it bad/weird that, unlike the other people who reviewed while this was being written/whatever, I didn't think Arthur "deserved" a punch. Not that I think he didn't either. I'm weird...)
Yami Tenno 3 chapter 13 . 9/28/2013
Don't think your out of the woods yet Iggy, we still don't know if the Zimmerman note was really sent by Germany or was forged by England. Personally I wouldn't put it beyond England to do that...then again I can see Germany getting desperate enough to do that...but at the same time...
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