Reviews for Maroon5d Prologue
grabthefish chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
I love that you captured that fear was the reason his relationship failed. Well done!
moondragon23 chapter 5 . 5/28/2013
Love it! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Bobina-AKA-Bob chapter 5 . 5/14/2013
I can't wait for the sequel! This was so well written and I just loved it. I'll be looking out for it so hurry and get the sequel! I love it! (:
Bobina-AKA-Bob chapter 3 . 5/14/2013
I've said it before, I'll say it again. You deserve more love for this.
Bobina-AKA-Bob chapter 2 . 5/6/2013
I love this so so much. It is really well written and I loved Shawn taking care of lassie!
Love it. You deserve more reviews and love for this (:
Bobina-AKA-Bob chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
Like it is far. This is one if my favourite episodes so its nice to see a shassie remake (: