Reviews for Sorcery and Cinders
A-Very-Berry chapter 1 . 7/16
Such a good story please keep writing
Scorppricorn chapter 5 . 4/23
Last update is 2013
Subaru's dreams chapter 5 . 11/9/2017
Wuah! No no no! You have to write on! This idea and story is so great! Please think about it. I want to see Sanji and Zoro ending up together and meet Prince and Ashura again.
Megenehason ZOSAN-LAWLU LOVER chapter 5 . 6/10/2017
I cant believe I hadn't found this story any sooner I literally read .one of ur stories ur just such an incredible author I can't help but love all of ur stories and right now I have to say another story well done! Jezuzas!I felt so immersed in this! I love the plot and everything else about it!plz update more!the emotions displayed in here was so detailed! I could almost feel them myself! God this is y I love all ur stories!u write the characters Zoro and Sanji so well!\\\\ I love it!The way u portray them is the best way so far in all other stories I read thank u for this!btw expect me to praise u In every story u write cuz that's how much I love them and ur style of writing!god sorry I wrote to much
SoulKagome chapter 5 . 10/27/2016
I dream with the day you come back and finish your stories ;_;
Guest chapter 1 . 12/2/2015
Please please please continue this :,(
bakayaro onna chapter 5 . 10/18/2015
Dear muse of this story:

Please tell the writer of this story some new juicy tidbits so they get excited enough to update.

This is an innovative take on the characters and quite enjoyable with the details of this a/u.

Virtual chocolate for you if you convince the author, muse!
lynewt chapter 5 . 10/7/2015
I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying every one of your fics. I love how creative and completely unique each one is, not only in plot and concept but also in the shifting dynamics of their relationship as it pertains to each story and their altering characterization. Love it. Love all of it, and hope you get as much joy from writing as I do from reading your work. :)
Hshakii chapter 5 . 2/18/2015
I know it's been a long time since you've updated but I've just found this recently and I'm actually really into this fic.(I'm a sucker for magic and fantasy and bits of history)
Please please please update?
adorkableseyton chapter 5 . 11/4/2014
GOD i'm coming to love this story so much! i have test tomorrow and i'm reading this story right now XD and finally some progress with Sanji's feeling. You haven't updated this story for more than a year. plz update soon! i'm really loving the story and i wanna know what happens next! plz plz update soon. i'm gonna die here...
nekonesan chapter 5 . 6/21/2014
Really like this story, kinda funny to see Sanji as the alcoholic xD also, really like Azura! Neh, will this story continue?
ecklumi chapter 5 . 6/17/2014
omg, I can't wait to read moooreeeeee!
Ashura is a persistent ass
Zoro is a coward
Sanji is an idiiiiot
and Prince is...well he is the only "normal" person here
I like te idea so much! I like supernatural things soooo muuuch!
Pleease continue *-*
Leo chapter 5 . 5/8/2014
Sanji is reacting a lot better than I would have. I think that at the first sign of weirdness I would have smashed the glasses to smithereens, consequences be damned.
BrainDeadMaggot chapter 5 . 4/28/2014
Took me a full day to read this.., I kept having to put my phone down and do shit but when I finally got the time to sit and read, I ended up hiding in the corner behind my bed (it's actually an armless sofa) and cried.., I feel so bad for Sanji.., if only.., God Damn It! I just cried and cried.., so many feels TTTT
BrainDeadMaggot chapter 3 . 4/27/2014
Best buddies indeed..,

"I may be bound to a pair of specs but I can still see and take in everything around me."
Says the man who destroyed the silver plummeting box room
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