Reviews for Made to Be Broken
Guest chapter 24 . 3/31
That was epic!

I was wondering if could do one where Fiyero didn't get to Elphaba in time when she was captured by the guards when she was having her fight with Glinda after Nessarose's death. Could you do something like that?
Guest chapter 24 . 1/30
Really loved this! Could you do one around if Fiyero didn't step in when Elphaba was captured during her fight with Glinda after Nessarose's death?
Lynchie chapter 9 . 2/26/2019
xLynchiex chapter 7 . 2/26/2019
holy shit im on the edge of my seat
Guest chapter 24 . 6/3/2018
hi i’m not even entirely sure if you’ll see this but my name is olivia and i’ve steadily been working my way backward through your fics. i started with to protect and serve and just finally wanted to let you know that you’ve had me crying every night for the past three weeks. thank you.
Katie chapter 12 . 8/11/2017
Remind me to never get you angry- dyING

That page was a bit too handy, though.

A black cat? Witchy
Katie chapter 5 . 8/11/2017
Why are those guards so annoying?
Katie chapter 2 . 8/11/2017
I have read most of your stories, and till now I have liked them, but this one... I don't think the Wizard would act so cruelly, and Cyara seems a very forced OC to me...

I'll see what happens, I'm sure.
Fiction is the Truth chapter 13 . 5/27/2017
I love your story! Elphaba is awesome!
TrebledWriter chapter 24 . 8/25/2016
Awwwwww such a great ending
TrebledWriter chapter 1 . 8/22/2016
How did I not find this sooner? I'm very interested and hoping the death will be somewhat limited.
ElphieNeedsAHug chapter 24 . 6/21/2016
Ok, after reading this I was so mad at you I sincerely wanted to punch the screen, and now my mom's indirectly mad at you because I have been hogging the computer now for two days straight because of reading this. Also, at one point I had to completely vent my feelings out to her about Elphie's constant dying in this story and all the terrible, terrible cliff-hangers. Of course, i hate you in a good way because that was a SUPER awesome story and it has given me some idea's for my story. Also, now I know why you're called the ultimate queen of cliffies. Yeah, thinking about all that makes me hate you again. In a good way, of course. No hard feelings. :P Thank you for making me stress out way more than I should be reading a story. That was like some sort of cray rollercoaster that had too many loop-de-loops and drops that you hate so much that it's awesome. You know what I mean? Ok, I should give the computer to my mom now. Thanks again!
Fae'sFlower chapter 24 . 6/2/2016
Okay, you will /not/ believe how much sense a lot of things make now that I finally read this story! Especially the 2 oneshot outakes, which, in hindsight, I should have waited until after reading this to read those two. The cat thing and the painting make so much more sense now!

Though I must admit, many times I was thinking, "Can you just not?" and at the end of the second-to-last chapter, I actually said it out loud. So many cliffies! And this was before you were officially the queen (or is my math just WAY off?)

But I am very glad I finally read this! It was such a great story and I loved the Fiyeraba! I was laughing and crying and cursing Morrible when Elphaba was in intense pain, but couldn't move and everyone was worried about her and trying to save her and loving the way Glinda was proposed to all at the same time! Lovely job!
Erin chapter 24 . 10/13/2015
I'm sorry, I just realized that the whole accepting his pain and injuries was in a different story 'Skin Deep' by HollyBush. I wanted to tell them too that I loved their story. I loved your story for the same reason though. She was fierce and strong and fully herself and in control, even when she was broken. I thought it was great how we was just like 'see you later' everytime they went to torture her. It was awesome!
Erin chapter 24 . 10/13/2015
I just finished reading your story and I wanted to tell you how much I loved it! I filter my searches to only completed stories, which is why I'm only just now reading your story, in addition to the fact that I've only just moved to Wicked, I tend to choose a fandom and stick there for a month, and there are a lot! Anyway, I figured even if you finished the story already, you might like to hear some admiration. The most identifiable thing about your story that I absolutely loved is Elphaba's fierceness. Even in her love she is powerful and great. In some stories she mellows out when she falls in love with Fiyero, but I agree with you. I think that it only strengthens her. I loved the part where she accepted his pain and injuries on herself, and I could just picture the thoughts through his parents heads as they realized just how amazing she and her love for their son is.
Thanks again for hours of entertainment and kudos on accurately portraying the characters, I'm sure that it isn't easy.
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