Reviews for The Sweetest Revenge is Poetic Justice
Merinus chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
I'm afraid to tell you, if you didn't know, that this story of yours, "The Sweetest Revenge is Poetic Justice", goes against the policy of this site. This site states in its list of works it won't allow based on other authors or publishers, "FanFiction respects the expressed wishes of the following authors/publishers and will not archive entries based on their work: Anne Rice, Archie comics[…]". If you really have to have this story up on the net, then upload it to DeviantArt or ArchiveofOurOwn or another site. So be a good lamb and delete this story from this site, or I will go on and tell someone who I know will take it down.
threetwentytwo chapter 1 . 8/12/2018
Um, after reading this fic I think I might have had enough of Beggie. The way you wrote Archie and Veronica was gross. A and V have faults but you blew them way up, and comics Reggie is worse, so why is he so nice here, just so Betty can be the winner? Shipper glasses off, if comics Betty and Reggie married and were true to character, their relationship would end in screaming and divorce once Betty finally realized what an asshole he is, and Reggie would get disgusted with her nagging him to act better. Guys who are like that don't reform for their girlfriends or wives.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2018
Omg this was PRECIOUS! Veronica has always made me angry, and I'm so glad Betty got a fairy tale ending and she didn't. I've been on a Veggie kick lately, and this was the sweetest story! I will definitely be reading this again :)
wallce0114lyn chapter 1 . 4/10/2018
Loved this story. I always wanted these two together and Betty is the ONLY girl who can make Reggie a "good boy".
Kris chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Loved dis story... Pls write more beggie.
Killerpanda chapter 1 . 10/22/2017
Honestly this is one of the cutest Beggie fics I have read. I've read so many times and it never gets old. I totally agree with you that Betty deserves better than some jerk who takes her for granted. I also believe there is more to Reggie than what he is often made out to be. Overall if is a vet excellent story and I highly commend such talent.
terrible-sun chapter 1 . 6/28/2017
This Beggie story is beautifully written, portraying Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews on how they really are. It was a cute story and I really like how Reggie was all protective of B
tinkermist99 chapter 1 . 6/25/2017
ArcticGirl chapter 1 . 1/6/2017
I LOVE this fanfiction/story, it's amazing! Keep writing stories, your AMAZING!
Derek chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
Thank you for this wonderful but rather short story.. Lol. But I really meant it when I said short. It's a teaser! :)

Can you please follow it up with Reggie and Betty's kid in there. I'm sure, everybody's expecting another good story of these wonderful couple.
Again thank you and looking forward to read more of your stories..
Derek chapter 1 . 11/25/2015
I'm glad you've wrote this. I've been reading Archie comics for a long period of time and always get frustrated when I see Betty being left out from that brat and the carrot head.
I knew that Reggie is the best for Betty.
Thank you for the short story and hope to hear more from you about Reggie and Elizabeth Mantle and their beautiful journey..
FuN FiFi chapter 1 . 10/2/2015
What a wonderful title for a wonderful story! I love Beggie fics, and you've totally done them justice here! Not only did you show their lovely connection in high school, but you extended that to a beautiful relationship during college and afterward. I didn't really like the way you portrayed Veronica and Archie though I can understand why you showed them that way; only these 2 have hurt Betty the most in the comics. My only real criticism is that you have a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes throughout your story. Nevertheless, that doesn't take away from the fact that this fic is pure Beggie gold! :-D

I hope you write more stories like this in the near future. You're very talented! Keep up the GREAT work!
sarsha008 chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
Lol that was awesome :D I love it when Veronica gets what's coming to her (she's such a bitch!) and I love it when Betty ends up with someone who loves and cares for her and her only (Archie is a cheating, disloyal, stupid, immature fucknut)... hehe basically I HATE both Archie and Veronica :P

And I LOVE the Beggie pairing! Thank you for writing! :D
Alba05 chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
Great story, a fun read - poetic justice indeed! :-)
Emily mantle chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
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