Reviews for After Five Days
DMaduks chapter 19 . 10/23/2018
Thanks for sharing!
malita23 chapter 19 . 3/16/2017
You should make inuysha have another baby and that's a boy or twin boys
SesshomaruFreak chapter 5 . 8/23/2015
Dude, I am so glad Inu has those survival instincts, and they were on point! omg that could've gone so bad! I'm so happy they got out ok!
SesshomaruFreak chapter 4 . 8/23/2015
Thank you for being a perv, and don't ever apologize for it! *gives you fierce eyes* Perviness is the most awesome thing, especially when it comes to yaoi!
For example: That lemon, up against the tree, then on the ground? That was a freakin fantastic lemon! (I would've used the 'f' word but restrained myself out of respect for your raising :) I actually cuss a lot lol!
lol Love their version of foreplay!
SesshomaruFreak chapter 3 . 8/23/2015
Yes! Doing it in the office with someone outside, such naughty dogs!
As a fan of sharing, I got excited when Sess offered to be uke, but as soon as Inu felt 'anxiety and panic', it broke my heart, and I'm glad Inu didn't follow through.
HOWEVER, if Sess could be excited by the thought, and not panicky, I'd love to see that! Though it seems unlikely since Naraku was the only, you've already finished this, so my opinion don't mean jack lol!
If it happens, I'll be happy, if it doesn't, I'll still like this story...probably :) *giggles*
I think Sess should've voiced his thoughts on what Inu has given up, so his mate knows he's aware of his own sacrifices.
Good chap!
SesshomaruFreak chapter 2 . 8/23/2015
Oh, I don't like this girl! At all! This always means trouble, when someone doesn't approve of them being together.
Aww, Sess and PDA! Yay!
SesshomaruFreak chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
*sags into couch happily* Finally! That was a freakin' epic lemon! Short, but so marvelous! And it was awesome that they were each other's firsts :)
Now, let's see what the rest of this sequel holds, shall we? *wicked smirk*
kittycatluver chapter 3 . 1/11/2014
...damn...well that was just so dang hot! I loved when inuyasha tried to hold in his voice and
having sex while someone is outside the let me just say it was very erotic even better than when they first mated. keep up the good work! Ja Ne!
Kiara chapter 19 . 11/24/2013
I love this it's amazing. Ooooo I have in idea for oncoming chapters. You should make inuyasha have twins and go threw a whole nother problem in life
Strawberry Mica chapter 19 . 11/5/2013
1) You are the Queen of awkward
2) ...The sacred tree part...
3) Amazing story...
Ryane-Foxx chapter 19 . 9/25/2013
Of course I had to read this after reading Five Days. And I loved it! The trails they had to go through but the obvious love portrayed between them was beautiful. I think even though Sessh was a little OOC, its fine because it fit the plot perfectly. Everything about it I loved and I've already bookmarked like everything you've written to go through. Great job :)
DeathNoteLover235 chapter 19 . 9/5/2013
Ooh, well it is somewhere good to end. Also me SOWWY it took awhile to read.
So what happens to the boy and his family, understandably you don't wish to write a trilogy, but he seemed servant material?
I always new InuYasha was kinda self-centered, but to be envious of hie own daughter is sorta sad.
And I'm more then positive if I come up with anything, I'll let you know_
DeathNoteLover235 chapter 18 . 9/4/2013
So I was wondering, how large is sessh's demon form in your story? Is it the same as the anime/ manga, or different?
Also, are the littles ones going to be friends, maybe something more in the future?
DeathNoteLover235 chapter 17 . 9/3/2013
Well, ist should be that hard to write a letter. Oh are they secret lovers?
DeathNoteLover235 chapter 16 . 9/3/2013
I agree, she is cute.
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