Reviews for House of Cards
bsloths chapter 1 . 11/28/2014
Aw, this is great! I liked seeing Britta's thoughts before they started a relationship.
cutterjohns chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
OMG TROYBRITTA! X3 This was *too* adorable! I totally agree with you. Season 3 was like... the era of this ship, lol. They've definitely become an OTP of mine, and I think you did them justice to say the least.

You did a great job writing from Britta's perspective! I've come to really like her character, and I think you nailed her personality and mannerisms. I liked the reference to her relationship with Jeff, and how it contrasts to the one she has with Troy. The whole thing was just very cute, especially the conversation towards the end. Here's to hoping the writers won't just toss them aside in season 4... but Community is a pretty consistent show, so I doubt that will happen.

Anyway, I enjoyed this fic (no surprise there) and can't wait to read more stuff from you in the near future! :)