Reviews for Another Time, Another Place
Deb45 chapter 5 . 10/8/2019
I love this story.
Deb chapter 5 . 8/24/2019
This was terrific. Thank you.
Morticia chapter 5 . 1/6/2018
What a lovely story. So romantic and heartbreaking
sybermann chapter 5 . 8/30/2014
Probably the best story I ever read on this board and this site!
Very poignant and skilfully crafted story, beautifully written.
I loved the silver link too.
Marty chapter 5 . 8/14/2014
Very good story :)
Guest chapter 5 . 2/2/2014
Great story. Really well researched and authentic in all ways historical and language wise.
Jowan Zethar chapter 5 . 10/12/2013
Totally and utterly awesome, head and shoulders above anything else. Authentic English and brilliant characterisation. You have to be a published author?
Henge chapter 5 . 9/20/2013
What a privilege it is to be able to read your writing for free! Beautifully written in every respect. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/27/2013
An absolute joy to read your work, as always. Would love to be able to read Waiting for You again, can't find it archived anywhere! Hint hint!
rann chapter 5 . 7/8/2013
The story is even better the second time around. I remember it well when you first posted it. The changes are small but add to the richness of the feel. I still have several of your stories posted on my site, . , and like them as much as ever.

Like all your stories, this one is rich in detail, vivid imagery. You've captured the horrors of war, the confusion and the urgency. It's a wonderful visit back to the Lost World. Thanks for sharing your story once more.
ficscribbler chapter 5 . 6/4/2013
Lisa - loved this story back when it was first posted, and loved it again this time around. The way you lay the groundwork for Roxton and Marguerite crossing paths during the war without realizing it - again! - is wonderfully done. As always, delightful and romantic. Thanks for posting "Another Time, Another Place" again.
last1stnding chapter 5 . 5/9/2013
This was really good.

I loved the finely drawn characters and even through the chaos of war, time passed and lives gone in different directions, Marguerite and John still share that attraction for each other. They are indeed 'the other half of each other's soul' - paraphrasing a bit. I've always loved these wartime romantic stories and this is excellent.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/1/2013
A very good story.
Hera chapter 5 . 4/23/2013
Wow just wow!
Kiryat chapter 5 . 4/23/2013
I have an attack of the goosebumps. The last few paragraphs which echo Marguerite's dreams in the ruins was a real coup de grace. I adored it! When she actually sees Roxton's face at the end and realizes he's the mysterious man in the mist... be still my beating heart!

This was a real delight from beginning to end. Everything about it. The details, the history, the hurt comfort factor (just right, fed the monster without scaring it off) and last but by no means least, the romance. It was very special indeed. The sense of predestination and the kind of knowing they are supposed to be together.

I loved the bit when she's on the boat and obviously crying, but kids herself its because her hair has blown into her eyes. Her reflections then are so sad. She doesn't expect to be happy and tells herself she's tough enough not to need it. She risked so much to save Avebury's life and little did she know it truly was fate!

The last section back in the Treehouse was nicely done when Roxton regains his memories due to another head injury. I like the way she's so matter of fact about it even though the moment is so full of emotion.

Great story telling from the get go - some bits were really beautiful. Thank you for posting this one, Lisa. I'd really love to read some more...
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