Reviews for Strings of Fate
Emma chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
️Can't breath️ Love it ️ So happy️
Don't know where you come from, but where I'm from everyone is affectionate, so hope you don't get mad or anything when I say love you. Love you.
MissingMommy chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
So the red-string thing makes a little bit more sense now. But I still have no clue how I would write it. Though, I really adored yours. I'm not a huge fan of letter!fics (even after writing one of my own), but it definitely worked in this context. It does allow Harry and Draco to figure out more about each other without allowing them to really get into a fight or argument about it.

I was excited that Sirius and Remus were red-string mates. That made me extremely happy.

And the fact that Draco sends a drunk I-love-you confession letter is adorable because we all know that Draco wouldn't really admit it aloud or on paper otherwise. But that's the thing about love. It sneaks up on you, so it was lovely to see that happening here. It snuck up on both of them, to the point where neither could pin-point exactly when they fall in love.

The ending was lovely. I still adore the fact that you kept away from the cliche of having them immediately kiss upon seeing each other. It's always a refreshing change to read something that strays away from the cliche.

So this was just lovely. Great job!
Venus914 chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
Aw. Sweet. )
Empress Empoleon chapter 1 . 3/27/2013
I thought this was well-written. The red string legend was nicely-thought out, and managed to fit in well with the story.

I though Harry and Malfoy's letters were really cute too. Especially the last two ones. :D Drunk Malfoy...nice image. ;-) (Plus, Wolfstar. :P)

I liked this overall. Good job!
Montley chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
This story had a nice idea for getting Harry and Draco together. For this pairing, I wouldn't believe that they'd get together on their own, so it fits nicely with the chosen pairing.
This line was hilarious, made me laugh: [Just because I'm gay DOES NOT mean I'm obsessed with clothes! Bloody stereotypes!]
One thing that picky me has to point out is that in this sentence you forgot to capitalize Harry: [No harry, it is not a sin. ]
All and all this was a very sweet story!
Great job!
dimitrisgirl18 chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
Okay, as a general rule, I have made a point of not reading Harry/Draco. But you actually managed to write this really well. The first thing I loved right off the bat was the Sirius/Remus living situation and the awesome background Wolfstar. It made me really happy. The red string thing was another really cool element, and I liked how you incorporated it. It wasn't weird, it wasn't overdone, it was just nice. And Draco's gradual change was really, really nice. As well as his drunk letter, hehe. Overall, I got a nice feeling from this fic and I really liked it! Only a couple SPaG errors-capitalization and quotation marks. When a person is speaking, you use ", quotation marks, not ', a single mark :) Well done!
AmzyD chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
I think this was a really good tale, I liked the way you oresented their relationship it was really well portrayed and you showed the progress of their relationship really well.

I'm not sure if I'm very fond of the red string idea, perhaps the way you presented it, a little rushed? But I think it is a really good concept that you could use in other stories and build on. Overall, great little fic!
Fading to Black chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
This is actually a pretty good fic. Funny, too, because Draco must have been really on edge to have snapped at Harry (or anyone) about his mother's clothes trips. I like how you tweak the legend of the red string to fit the story and adapt it to the Wizarding World. It also explains how they are more open than the Muggle world about gay couples despite being stuck in history for most of the time.
articcat621 chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
That was so good! I love how you tied the legend in :) You did the Drarry perfectly, and it made me giggle here and there. The wolfstar in it was perfect too! Your way with words was brilliant, and everything flowed. It was super cute, and unlike anything I had ever read before! You kept my interest throughout the whole thing, and I found myself wanting more! Great job
Lily meet Ginny chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
A cute little tale. Maybe I missed something, but when Harry was going back to school, he was only looking at guys. Was there something mentioned as to why he was? It just seemed sudden. actually, there were quite a few things that were sudden (before the letters), but such is bound to happen when writing a one-shot. I'm interested in how Draco would act with Harry's friends and how Pansy would react to the news that Draco is off the market. Good job!
Ralinde chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
Admitteded, this is not a pairing I'm usually fond of. However, I think you did a good job in portraying them, showing how they both did not want to be with the other, but hey, you can't stop fate, now can you? I'm a bit confused as to why you combined a Chinese/Japanese myth with a Greek goddess, but then again, since Hecate is the goddess of magic, I guess it does make sense in a way. Loving the WolfStar reference and how thought loving a man was a sin at first, because he was raised that way. I can definitely picture the Dursley's not being keen on same-sex relationships.

One thing: If more letters where written between the ones you showed, then it would have been nice to either show them too or put dates with the letters you /did/ show, because now it's all really moving rather fast.

There were some SPaG-things, like one time you don't have Harry capitalised, Muggle Muggle-born should both be capitalised as well. And one time you refer to Hecate as 'he' ;-).
Lil'MissChris chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
I'm giggling at the irony of the letters in your fic, but I suppose I shouldn't say too much about that right now.

I found Harry's nativity adorable when Remus and Sirius told him that they were soul mates. Really, Harry is very clueless and ignorant sometimes... in an endearing kind of way.

I'm not sure how much of the legend was your creativity and how much was something that came from an actual source, but I adore the idea. A lot of people have written soul binding twists, but none of them have ever put this type of twist on it, and the letters were very fun to read.

I noted a few grammatical errors, like Harry not being capitalized in one of the paragraphs, and things like that (none of which is that big of a deal to me).

Overall, very sweet and fluffy. :3
Izzyaro chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
This is a very interesting concept. I like the way you included Hecate as the origin of magic, and the red string idea was a nice touch.

Harry/Draco isn't my favourite couple, but I liked the way you developed their relationship gradually, and actually adressed things like Malfoy's prejudices and bullying. It made it much more realistic; I can't imagine Harry falling in love with Draco unless he changed a lot. The letters were a nice touch.

There were just a couple of things I saw.
'harry' I saw this somewhere which needs capitalising, as does Muggle-born.
Eros is the god of love, not Eras.

Overall though, really well done.
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
I'm not going to lie, when I read about the strong thing, the first thing that came to mind was how adorable that would be for Ron and Hermione... but that's just me. Any cute, fluffy idea I automatically associate with them.

I did like that idea though. I've also read a fic about soul-bonding or something being the reason why the divorce rate is low in the wizarding world. I tend to use that as my head canon.

But I did enjoy the string idea!

A very nice piece of imagination for this. Well done.
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
I've never actually heard the legend of the red string of fate, to be honest, but the idea is incredibly intriguing. I really like that part of the AU, and I think you explained the legend and the basis behind it very well. It's such an interesting idea, and I like that you tied it in with Harry Potter. I especially like that you used the legend to explain why Wizarding couples don't have as many problems (after all, it's true that many of the couples we see married straight out of school or married their school sweetheart, which isn't completely realistic). I like that you used it as an explanation for how LilyJames came to be, also, and I adore that you included RemusSirius, since they are one of my favorite slash couples. Spelling and grammar were good, just a few little things - Muggle should be capitalized in all instances, and Muggle-born should be written exactly like that - not muggle born. I don't love the HarryDraco pairing, personally, and I definitely don't see Harry as gay, but overall, I liked the plot of this, it was a very interesting AU. Nice work!
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