Reviews for Vantascest Drabble 2
twinPisces chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
I love it!
akir3n chapter 2 . 1/30/2017

I've seen a lot of vantascest lately, but this is the best one.

that's all there is to say on the matter.

This is kind of old, but good job!
meulin2 chapter 1 . 6/29/2016
Grimly Twisted chapter 2 . 1/15/2015
Grey Seas chapter 2 . 8/13/2013
That escalated quickly... o/o
KARKAT VANTAS chapter 2 . 7/31/2013
SKYPE: KandieLerVantas
Dark Gemini and Light Gemini chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
what do you mean we're stalkers?!:(
kittykat28888 chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
After reading this again because I was on like zero hours of sleep when I left my prior review and was also getting distracted by my boyfriend at the time, I would now just like to say that I have come to grips with humanstuck stories and holy fuck this is amazing. 3
kittykat28888 chapter 2 . 2/24/2013
This is good and all, except I think you need to learn a bit more about troll anatomy, as well as the two trolls in questions' personalities. Karkat's is pretty good, but Kankri took an Oath of Chastity, meaning he doesn't ever get sexually involved. This could be used to your advantage in making a really good story, but until then, this is just wrong on so many levels (and I don't mean the incest, either). For one, trolls don't have dicks, male or female. They're really simply one gender, some harboring breasts, others not. Some have a more "feminine" shape than others. What trolls do have is a nook and a bulge; a nook could arguably be described as a pussy whereas a bulge could qualify as a dick, though all trolls have both. Bulges are typically 14 inches long and only come out of their sheathes when the troll becomes particularly aroused. And instead of cumming, trolls simply... erm... "eject" (?) their genetic material, which is no doubt easily comparable to human cum. Hence the term "fill a pail;" trolls fill pails with their genetic material which then get mixed into one giant vat, which is consumed by the mother grub and used to lay her thousands of eggs. I kind of feel like Kankri might feel, seeing as he is generally the know-it-all who loves to lecture. That aside, I hope I helped in providing more accurate information were you to write another smut-fic on this pairing, or even just Homestuck in general.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/9/2013
*thatwassofuckinghotfuck* this will be my otp forever!
thus.strangely chapter 2 . 1/26/2013
Awwwww! HahaXD Loved it! Good job!
StarsCloudsHawkeye chapter 2 . 1/26/2013
0_0 Hell. Yes.
You are literally the BEST Vantascest writer :D
NewUserNameForPurposes chapter 2 . 12/24/2012
Well shit XD Very nice. I have no other words for this, but it was good. The ending wasn't bad either!
KYYYYAAAAAA chapter 2 . 12/23/2012
MOG! *Nosebleed*. SO KAWAII IN THE BEGINNING, THEN SO HAAAAWWWWWTTT! DOM KANKRI FTW! *lying in pool of blood* i... can die... happy now... :'D *dies*
Guest chapter 2 . 12/16/2012
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