Reviews for You're Not MY Alpha
Ashlynn chapter 1 . 6/17
Love it! Please update!
missmie chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Wasn't this posted a wlile ago
DragonHeart89 chapter 1 . 5/25/2013
I liked it a lot and hope that you chose to add on to it and make it a longer story.
moridash chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
May I just say-thank god,someone else who hates Tyler,loved caroline going all badass vampire on him. Also loved klaus at the end. Please continue to write stuff where Tyler gets what's coming To him.
JaimeLynn8421 chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
Yeah hi, I wrote that huge novel down below and I forgot to put my actual name on here in case anyone wants to instant message me if they are in anyway offended my my ranting about how Klaroline is my favorite ship. My name is JaimeLynn8421 so yeah. message me if you have anything to say. :) Also I advise knowing that because the names are Caroline/Tyler does not mean in anyway that they are romantically involved. The pairing is used to show who are the two main characters. And if you read the A/N you would be highly informed that the author is well aware that Tyler didn't throw the glass at Caroline. Don't blame the author because of your ignorance and lack of the understanding of English. And I'm mostly talking to the firewood shippers who gave the author carp because they didn't get what they wanted. well.. I wrote another novel so...bye. :)
JeTaime Jaime chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
This is a really good story. But I couldn't help but notice that someone commented below asking why people liked Klaroline, and I thought I would answer in my opinion. People like them because Klaus is...I wouldn't say evil because the fact that he can't hurt Caroline since he's gotten to know her no matter how many times she tricks him is proof of that. Yes it's true that he's done some dreadful things and doesn't deserve her, at least not yet. He has many many things to make up for. I personally love Klaroline because it gives me hope that people can change. Klaus is quickly falling in love with Caroline,though he maybe in slight denial and he hasn't loved anyone since he was human and to be quite frank it literally sucked no pun intended. He has been killing people for over 1000 years and he's forgotten what it's like to feel but Caroline makes him feel, even if it's only the tiniest flicker of emotion. He hasn't turned off his emotions just buried them. And for Caroline to even bring out a hint of these feelings shows us klaroline shippers that something about this attraction between them must be real. Not some high school crush. And yes I know Klaus made Tyler bite Caroline but he didn't have to save her or give her the choice of living. And we know he absolutely did not have to give her that speech. but he did. He is and I quote "The most powerful creature on the planet" and he shows Caroline who he was as a human, he can't stand to be vulnerable but that's exactly what he unintentionally makes himself in Carolines presence. She makes him forget that he's a sadistic murderer with no remorse for others, but she's also the only one who isn't afraid to constantly remind him. She makes him feel anger and sadness and regret. But also she makes him feel a spark of genuine happiness, a memory he lost even when he was human. So sure he may not deserve her but I'm fairly certain he would risk his life for her. In my opinion even though they haven't even kissed yet intentionally on both his body...they have more passionate scenes than forwood. And no not the sexual passion. but the sweet heartwarming passion of a deep conversation about one's hopes and dreams. Things Tyler hasn't bothered to ask Caroline about. Not some giant roaring flame like a burning building but a comfortable flicker of a candle that if given the chance could outshine even the biggest fires. Caroline has eternity in front of her. She wants to see the world and Klaus is the only one whose offered to show it to her. So that's my opinion...I also just realized I wrote the most corny novel... oh well. Good story. Hope to see more. :)
Magic Janet chapter 1 . 12/18/2012
i love fanfics like this! tyler... i probably shouldn't say anything about how i feel about him haha
ReincarnatedPoet chapter 1 . 12/14/2012
Wow. I didn't really understand the rant at the bottom here until I read the reviews. You wrote a beautiful little piece here, and to be honest, I don't like any of the characters in it. I am starting to like Klaus, simply because he's the most well thought out and expanded upon at this time. Tyler and Caroline's relationship has become a series of sex and abuse to be honest. Tyler's character has been violent from square one, it stands to reason that he's violent here. I enjoyed the piece very much. I'd have loved to see a bit less off the handle reaction though. A more building argument between the two, but I can see why you did it like this.

All in all, people, if you want some lovin' between Tyler and Caroline, you can set them as the two characters, change the genre to romance, and THEN read the summary. Not hard.

PS I'm not a guest, I'm just too lazy to log in.
anchoredlove chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
I'm no fan of Tyler's either so I absolutely loved it! You showed the badass side of Caroline which doesn't get portrayed in the show like I wish it would! Have you thought of continuing this or is it still staying as a one-shot?
jessnicole chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Slyshpuppy234 chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
I love ur story! And to the "guests" that have a problem with it being caroline and tyler you need to realise that it is with those two because the story is about caroline and tyler! The story focuses on how tyler is mad at caroline, its supposed to be in your little "holy forwood" part of fanfiction, you dumbasses! This is really good! DO NOT LISTEN TO THE HATERS! They have nothig better to do than be saddos who cyberbully! They are probally emotionally depressed in the real world, you MUST continue! This is amazing!
Different g chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
Well maybe, guest, you should have read the summary before complaining! Having a story with two characters in the category for those two characters doesn't mean there is a romance coming. It simply means those two characters are Most prominent in that story, so it was indeed published correct.

Author, don't listen to morons like that who apparantly blindly read everything without checking the summary out first.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
You are, in fact, bashing forwood shippers. Clearly the people reading fics in this section are looking for a Tyler/Caroline pairing. Instead of getting all huffy about upsetting readers who come here looking specifically for forwood, and surely you must agree that this is where they'd look, why not move it to its correct category of Caroline and klaus? Or, since klaus makes no appearance, perhaps just marking it under Caroline?
As an author, you have every right to ship which ever couple you want and kill off all the characters you don't like, and I'm sure there are lots of klausoline shippers who would love your story, but they won't see it under this category.
movom chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
Pff .. Just another Klaus/Caroline shipper who tags their stuff with Tyler/Caroline .. -.-
cecld16 chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
I dont like this fanfic, why do people like Klaroline? his a evil killer for god sake
tyler deseves caroline and Klaus doesnt... simple
i'm not hating on this fanfiction i'd like it better if it had been caroline that had been killed instead of tyler by the way
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