Reviews for A Door in the Wall
Guest chapter 73 . 7/19/2019
Thank you so much for this story, I cry every time I read it and I add it to my list of summer reading every year. You are such a talented author, never stop writing you have a gift.
WonderousPlaceForAnEcho chapter 20 . 12/24/2018
Ok. I have to give up on this story. The lack of contractions makes every character come across as robotic and too proper. If someone is relaxed with someone their speech tends to relax as well instead of I do not think so Quinn it would just be I don’t think so Quinn. And this is my bias because I don’t like fluff nd this has so much fluff. It’s overtly earnest, it’s not nearly as dark as it could be. It lacks depth. I gave it 20 chapters. Each chapter grazes the surface on emotions. I feel a bit mean writing this. Please take it with a grain of salt. I wanted more from this. It has potential but it constantly skims the surface.
WonderousPlaceForAnEcho chapter 6 . 12/22/2018
So far this has a nice twist. It’s filled with a lot of cliches and I’m wondering if you’re maybe deaf or hard of hearing because this is really detailed and seems personal. It’s detailed well in that respect. 1 critique so far (though I know the story is complete) is how there’s a lack of contractions. A lot of people simply say I can’t hear you vs I cannot hear you. It comes across as too formal.
Guest chapter 70 . 6/24/2018
Wow this is a beautiful story thank you for sharing
Torie20MD chapter 59 . 6/3/2018
Almost made it to the end of this one. I really like long stories but there just was enough good plot development for me to keep going.
R.Misfit chapter 71 . 10/21/2015
I really enjoyed this fanfiction! Though it was hard to believe that Quinn does almost a complete 180 of her HS self, I kinda grew to like this lovesick, romantic Quinn. Your portrayal of Rachel is very spot on, imo. I can imagine that this is what Rachel Berry would be like if something were to happen to her like that. overall, bravo!
ttandme69 chapter 73 . 10/1/2015
Well worth a second read! I still cried even though I could recall what was to come. Off to read part 2. Thanks, Lisa
Silver Moonlight-81 chapter 71 . 9/8/2015
Hi!. I read your fanfiction and I love it!. It wasn't rush and beautifully written. Sorry about my grammar, english isn't my first language it's spanish. Anyways, congratularon for a completed work and excelent one at that.
Robert12774 chapter 71 . 8/28/2015
Really great story loving reading it
Guest chapter 50 . 8/16/2015
Omfg I can't stop crying. U are a heartless asshole. I can't fucking keep reading bc I don't wanna cry anymore :( (also Im gonna have dinner in 15min and I don't want my family to notice) fuck. Its been so long since a good fic made me cry. I applaud you dude
Robert12774 chapter 66 . 7/24/2015
Still loving this story
Ryo Oh Ki7 chapter 73 . 7/23/2015
Thank you!
Eyghon chapter 72 . 7/12/2015
I was thrilled to see your note. I speed-reread A Door in The Wall, so now I am ready for the sequel! No pressure but I still love Door/Wall as much as when I first devoured it. Nice going BTW with the new title, nice continuation. I'm so excited!
Guest chapter 72 . 7/12/2015
great story although i really wanted rachel to regain her hearing. i am a sucker for happy endings and that would have been the happiest. your english is great. I had no idea through the story that english was not your first language.
Chris ShadowMoon chapter 17 . 7/10/2015
Gonna pause on this chapter for the night, but I wanted to say that this is a really interesting story line and I like what you're doing with it so far.

The odd thing about stories based on romances like this is that, inevitably, there's a chapter (or up to like, six, depending on how slow the pacing is) where there's a fight and a breakup and everyone is sad and then they get back together again for the sake of the narrative and I /really/ hope you don't have that chapter in here. I kind of get tired of seeing the drama of a relationship be driven by the internal factors of a relationship.

It's harder, but much more satisfying, to have the conflict come from /outside/ the relationship. Two people forged together in fire defying the odds and fighting for what they want without the whole 'You said something wildly insensitive and I'm done with you forever!' 'I'm so sorry look I'm begging please forgive me' song and dance.

(Bonus points if that is then followed with 'No I won't forgive you!' 'Okay then I'm going to move on' 'I was wrong I shouldn't have overreacted I'm sorry can you forgive me?' 'How about we both forgive each other' plot which is super super common and super super annoying)

Gonna keep on reading sometime tomorrow probably, but I just wanted to put it out there that yeah, that's a thing that's crossing my mind. Anyway, thanks for writing this. It's really good and I'm glad I get to read it.
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