Reviews for Super Smash Bros: The Fading World
dragonbind chapter 9 . 5/5/2014
Ooh, several lines of this final chapter I loved:
[... wanting the wait to end and the final battle to begin...] Nice juxtaposition going on here.
["...If I can balance my evil with good, then I can die peacefully..."] Oh, Tabuu!
[...the Defenders of Light knew they were seeing the fate of everything being written before their eyes.] Really puts the moment into perspective.
[...the light flaring out from them, brighter than the brightest star...] That would be a sight to behold!
[Would they mourn him?] Think, think, think!
Even though it was a very compacted final chapter, I liked how the end was a bit vague. But I feel the newcomers seemed a bit thrown in there.
You should definitely keep writing, though. I'd like to see more of what you can do :D
But I haven't played ALBW so I'm reluctant to read your other story! I'm wary of spoilers :(
penmaster13 chapter 4 . 5/5/2014
Three words. YOU'RE. A. GENIUS. This story is absolutely amazing so far! I haven't seen a story like this! I really can't express his much I love this. :) I'm really sad of all the deaths! But it's reassuring to know that if Crazy Hand is defeated, they'll come back. It's sad they don't get to join the adventure! Any other Smashers coming? Overall, this is amazing, it's rare to find a good story like yours, and I really can't wait for what happens next!
DarkX chapter 9 . 5/4/2014
Wow. SHORTEST. ENDING. EVER. was epic one. Now...I'm just SOOOOOO happy this ending update after SO. SNAPPIN'. LONG! Like I said, this ending was VERY short. However, I understand, and commend, on your want to keep your promise. I would've done the same thing. :) However...the ending was very vague. Then was rushed, so its understandable.
Okay...other than that, GREAT JOB, CPJ!
-DarkX :)
*P.S. SWEET MOTHER OF ARCEUS, GRENINJA IS GONNA BE A SMASHER! YES! YESYESYESYESYESYES! XD (runs out of the room laughing maniacally and joyfully)*
Guest chapter 8 . 1/17/2014
Interesting. I hope you update soon!
DarkX chapter 7 . 7/23/2013
I LOVED this chapter! You HAVE to update soon, please? Thanks! :)
dragonbind chapter 7 . 7/18/2013
*Cheers* Le return!
Things are moving along quickly and you've got some emotions running on high gear! I guess that adds to the gravity of the reallyreallyreallydire situation. Lucario's vision was pretty spooky, especially how it ended. I'd be rather freaked out if that happened to me.
I'm reallyreallyreally looking forward to this :D
DarkX chapter 6 . 7/3/2013
Hmmm...what's the word I'm looking for...ah, yes! EPIIIIIIIIC! THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST FICS I'VE EVER READ! Dude, you gotta update soon, okay? PLEASE!? Thanks!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/11/2013
AAAHHH! This just got even more interesting. That line, 'you have been added to the list of those who fell before me', is pretty ominous. I don't think there were any grammatical slip-ups, so well done with that.
I really like the concepts you're using here. Tearing the Smashers apart EMOTIONALLY rather than physically, Crazy Hand going nuts, the forgotten Smashers... Ugh, the Smashers' situation is just awful (that's a compliment)! Just a note: when the telepathic Pokemon talk, it might be nice to add in some quotation marks just like the rest of the characters because technically they're talking, too. And probably a horizontal line or something to separate the author's notes from the story ;)
I'm loving this, so don't you DARE rush with the next chapter! Quality is a better thing to work by than time :D
BNSF1995 chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
Is it alright if I envision Crazy Hand with John de Lancie's voice?
dragonbind chapter 5 . 2/15/2013
This is your first fanfic, huh? Basically I went from relatively impressed at the first chapter to thoroughly stunned at this one (five). Frankly, for a first fic this is pretty awesome. *I don't know how I didn't notice this before*
So, Crazy Hand is the villain (presumably). I think you've characterised him well- it's how I might have imagined him to be as an antagonist.
You've managed to write the characters' emotions in a gripping way. I felt the desperation of Galleom's pursuit of Pit and Ike's slow realisation of the truth of Marth's "death", among other things. On that note, I feel that you introduced the main plot somewhat quickly- not necessarily in a poorly written way, but it felt a little abrupt to me.
I must say... the way you imagine the World of Trophies (and its physics) is something along the lines of my own fantasies. Do I sound creepy? o.o
Well, I could blab on further about how HYPED I am to see this story, but I'll leave it at this much for now ;)
Got a Follower out of me!
Just a trivial question, but, when you mention 'degrees', do you mean in Celsius or Fahrenheit?
Ajax's Ghost chapter 2 . 2/12/2013
NOT MARTH! NOOOOOOOO...He's like the blue haired version of myself (or I'm the red-haired version of him) Please bring him back! You are really good at writing by the way. I would follow you if I had access to my account! Ooh can you put Roy in the story?

Ajax Pedahel
Check my profile out.
I will be revived.
DarkX chapter 4 . 12/31/2012
(reads part where Fox, Pikachu, and King Dedede die) Me:...NOOOOOOOOOO! WHY!? WHY THEM!? Tell me, who ELSE dies in this fic!? WHO?!(no offense, I think this fic is AWESOME so far!Just bring everyone who dies BACK, OK?)
Emerald Navigator chapter 4 . 12/23/2012
Sorry for not reviewing earlier! I was on holiday, and unfortunately you couldn't get Internet connection without paying...I think. Anyway, it was a nice chapter, if you could call it that with Pikachu, Fox and King Dedede pretty I just imagined them disappear in some sort of comedic pop, but I know what you meant.

I noticed a few small mistakes such as missing out the 't' in jet pack at one point or typing in 'to' instead of 'too'. I also remembered that Ike had mentioned the possibility of Marth's death being faked by Crazy Hand and that the Hand had left behind a fake body in the last chapter, but he also mentioned it again in this chapter, which, to me, seemed to be written in a way that suggested Ike said this for the first time.

Apart from that I enjoyed the chapter and will be awaiting the next one.
Emo Sprite chapter 4 . 12/19/2012
Your story is coming along really great so far! Can't wait for more(and yes, now I know. Thank you. (: )!
Emerald Navigator chapter 3 . 12/16/2012
OK, so I've noticed that you like to use 'said' a lot. If the Smashers have a certain way they're saying something, you could put in words like mumbled, growled, cried, shouted. Stuff like that, but you don't have to use it all the time, sometimes 'said' is just the only word to use.

Another thing,
""We'll need six jetpacks," said Samus. "Pit can fly on his own, but the rest of us can't."
"Pika pika," said Pikachu."

You forgot to separate those two lines, just saying. :)

I also feel like problems are being resolved too quickly. Though the transitions between the chapters are fine, the actual chapters and story moves along quite fast. I'm sorry if I'm pushing my opinions on you or anything, and the fact that this kind of contradicts my first review. The first chapter's pacing seemed pretty good though, chapters two and three had problems resolved pretty quickly, that was what I was trying to say.

But I find your writing easy to read and I still like to read your work. "So I look forward to the next chapter!" I exclaimed. :9 (sorry, I couldn't help it. Now imagine that same line but put said on the end of it. How much difference does it make? Sorry about that!)
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