Reviews for Revealing Secrets
SaphhirreMoon chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
Please you have got to make a sequal for this! It was great!
Infinitypoet chapter 1 . 11/8/2012
As someone who is a big HP and reads exclusively Drarry fic, I have to say that you did a good job for a first timer who isn't even really into the fandom nor the ship.
I'm sure people have pointed out that Ron could imitate Parsletongue and why it would be next to impossible for Draco to but you can always respond with this..."Voldemort LIVED in Draco's house for over a year and undoubtedly spoke to Nagini constantly, therefor the blond could have picked up a word or two...All he needed to know is 'open'
As for knowing where the chamber is...he became very close to Moaning Myrtle in his 6th year and spent loads of time in her bathroom where the entrance is located! (He even dueled Harry there!)
Anyway good job, Doll. Don't let the haters get you down!

harrytwifan chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Excellent job. It sucks that people gave you a hard time. I read tons of Drarry and you did a wonderful job, telling an interesting and plausible story. Thank you for sharing.
Vampgirl79 chapter 1 . 11/1/2012
Hey bb! Okay so I admit when I first got the alert for this fic over at TWCS I was thinking, "Oh god no, lmao." I admit I read only a couple of HP ff's and then stopped. It just didn't appeal to me compared to the movies. One I did enjoy though. But anyhow, I admit, and as you know I think, Im not into slash really at all. But the summary and curiosity drew me in, because come on its you Ellie! I love yah and love how your mind works ;) I had to read this. Let me tell you though I don't like Draco, wellt he charatcer. I think Tom F is hot! I just think Draco's a damn baby and wimp, at least in the movies anyway, haa. But him with Harry? I wasn't sure lmao. I mean even reading the lemon, which was really really hot btw, seriously! Was weird for me. But I loved it anyway, I truly did! I thought you did a kick ass job. I would love to read more of these two! Anyway just had to tell you I enjoyed it! I haven't been on fb in days. Going to go by later and catch up. Hope to chat. ttys, miss ya xoxo
Laurie Whitlock chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
This was great sweetie, I really loved it. Thank you
Little-Angry-Kitten chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
Let me first say that I know we started off on the wrong foot but I hope you will see this for what it is, a helpful review.

Starting off with 'Not a big fan of HP' is not a good way to open a story. From that alone you make the HP fans ignore your story and not even bother reading it (which is bad because you did a good job.).

OOC characters are not as popular within our fandom but if you write them right than the readers will fall in love with them. As for the Chamber, Ron could get in because he spend seven years sharing a room with Harry. He was sleep-talking thus why Ron was able to immitate Parseltongue. On another note the only ones that knew about the Chamber were Voldemort, Dumbledore, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Gilderoy Lockhart (with the exception that he had no memory of the place as the man was an idiot and erased his own memories using Ron's broken wand).

All of the above knew about the place because they all had been in there at some point (with the exception of Dumbledore of course. The man just knows everything!). For the rest of the school the Chamber and the Basilisk were a fascinating myth and nothing more. So you have to find a solid reason as to why Draco was down there.

You are more the welcome to ask any of us (I know it's a surprise but we are quite a few in the FFA group) for advices or to pre-read for you and help you.

Best wishes LAK
Speklez chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
I have the biggest grin right now... I am so proud of my little Els and not seeing elevendy-seven thousand commas...

That said... I LOVE the story so far... yeah... SO FAR... I fully expect this to be continued at a later date when you have the time to do so. *giggle*

You honor me with the dedication, My Lovely. Thank you.

nannily chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
I liked it.
HeartOfDarkess chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
great drarry oneshot hun :)
LPlover93 chapter 1 . 10/31/2012
Um, it's a good start for you with Drarry, the only thing I would like to say is that the Chamber is accessible to those only who speak Parseltongue. So it wouldn't be possible for Draco to be there at all, since Harry and Voldemort are the only two who speak it. Nice, though...this is Gloria from Facebook by the way...