Reviews for Rain
GuestOfDaGuest's chapter 1 . 11/23/2017
I loved the story! It was well written, and damn, i wanna know what Breakdown is about to ask! ;;

The Fox Familiar

If you don't like the story then don't complain about it in the review's.
Other people like the story,and people who didn't, haven't leaved a review to drag it down.
And there ARE story's with boys that are just friends.
And by the way, do better if you think the story is bad.
What the charachters do in the story is Acteon Carolsfeld's choice, not yours, so please, just stop complaining about thinks like: "The temperature is incorrect and because of that it can't be a rainforest"
Or -
"It doesn't make sense that KO shivers, or That they both fit in the cottage (i think ;-;).

So PLEASE, if you don't like a story then don't review. You can help them make something better in a story.
Please think about what you review before you drag the good work down, perphaps she/he hasn't so much experience in writing stories, or mabe he/she just wanted to make something she/he liked.

-Sorry for gramma mistakes/etc! Nu Flames, i'm from germany!
Plus, i'm only 13! But, Hey, No one can be perfect.
Have a nice day you all, bye!

The Fox Familiar chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
Ah, more badly written slash! What more can we get from the famous rape-lover who never addressed the question and went on trekking?

First, the climate is wrong. We have temperate rainforests, but even then, they’re not as wet as tropical rainforests. It rains mostly in the winter and the only puddles or bogs are out in open fields. In the warmer months there are fogs, but no heavy rains. An exception is the coastal region to the West, but you never mentioned where this forest is. You said it was Boreal, implying it is to the south, but the only temperate rainforests we have are to the far West: Appalachians in the US, the Rockies for Canada.

And you’re not supposed to build in these forests as they are protected by the WWF and other environmental services. So a few pins knocked down from this story.

We have Boreal forests. Our climate is not hot enough to be classified under ‘rainforest’, nor do we have the flora or fauna or climate conditions via elevation (unless applying to the mountain regions) to be considered as such.

If you’re going to make a story in Canada, at least understand the climatic conditions. Plus, half of our population lives about an hour away from the US border from coast to coast; if he’s that far up north, you have only nomadic communities. Boreal climates are also quite pleasant. They are damp and usually have an autumn-like temperature.

Guess you didn’t do your research, as always. You’ll need more than one Wikipedia page.

...Why is a robot even cold? Boreal climates aren’t cold, and you haven’t described this setting in winter. The tundra climate to the north can get pretty nasty, with temperatures dipping to -40 C, which can tear off metal from vehicles and slice rock in two. That’s the stuff KO should be worried about, not Boreal climate. He shouldn’t even be shivering in the first place. Damp / cold. KO should spend time in Iqaluit and see how cold it gets there.

“Breakdown brought the swagger to the medic’s hips” – You have an obsession with robot hips, and this is distinctly a female trait. With your drawings of Starscream and company I am to assume you have difficulty distinguishing between male and female and can’t draw their corresponding anatomies. Again, entirely typical, as you are not a science student but a music one (really defeats that ‘successful women’ trope, doesn’t it?) and has no idea of what she’s talking about.

“Sloshing the muddy water” - ...Why is there muddy water when you wrote the ground being covered in moss? Moss doesn’t grow in mud because it’s too wet. Algae might, though, but that’s really pushing it. The trees collect the water and while the ground is damp, it is not a bog. Bogs are, again, in open fields.

Why is Knock-Out afraid of the rain? It’d clean off the mud. He’s acting like a pussy. Plus, I don’t think Starscream would just allow them to take joyrides with the ground-bridge. It seems pretty nonsensical. They’re looking for energon and yet they don’t and waste their time. SS would be angrier at this revelation. If he wanted to ruin KO’s paintjob he should’ve sent him up farther north, or to Saskatchewan where we’ve got a few deserts. Endless plains are harder to hide in, you know.

“He managed to dive under the terrace of the cabin” – Not a wise move, considering that those cabins are pretty small. Plus, if the trees cover the entire area, they wouldn’t get that wet in the first place. Forgetting what you wrote, I see.

If the ground is grassy and not like a boil, then it’s pretty dry. It goes from dry to wet to dry again in a span of five sentences. Make up your mind, woman!

“It wasn’t like Breakdown to not even say goodbye” – Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw, grab the tissues! Knock Out got snubbed!

How big are these pine trees? The big ones easily weigh a few tons. Even Breakdown would have trouble pulling them out, and if they’re close together, well then forget it honey. It takes a lot of force to rip those trees out of the ground, and their roots can stretch for quite a while. TL;DR Breakdown would have quite a hard time lifting those suckers up. Why’s he doing it, anyways?

Oh, right. Sexual tension. Got it.

And then BD drapes the tree over the log cabin. Uh...the tree would fall through the log cabin and crush Knock-Out. And it also seems pretty retarded. He should’ve just gone to a patch of heavily forested area and poof! No water for him.

What’s really confusing is how Knock-Out is cold in the first place. The weather ain’t that cold! Wet and damp, maybe, but not cold. The trees would protect the underbrush from the deluge. Plus, have you even heard rain in the forest? It ain’t that loud! In the Boreal forest it’s pretty quiet. Only times when it’s loud is when there are downpours. There isn’t any here, so there should be no ‘loudness’.

“Knockout felt his cheekplates heat...he bit his lips...and glared down at his hands...” – Why’s he doing this? Oh, that’s right. Because he’s the uke and he has to act like a woman. Typical. Why don’t they just move to thicker cover? The Boreal forest, IIRC, borders the Canadian Shield, she there would be some rock outcroppings. Or they can just go on the road! Idiots.


“There was a strange note in his voice” – The first of many, I guess.

Wait, wait, wait. How big is the cabin, again? It can’t possible hold the both of them AND the trees.

“Everywhere on my frame is your favourite place” – Totally gay, yo.

Oh, God. When Breakdown started breaking down and talking about his past and his gay love with Knockout, I started LOLing uncontrollably. It is THAT bad. Holy shit, the gayness! It burns! It’s almost Mass Effect bad. And then we get to the staring part...

Okay, Knock-Out is OOC. I mean, he’s acting like an insufferable prick for no reason, and he ALWAYS has a reason. And he stares a lot. What’s with the aversion to staring, now? They’re best friends; they’re not butt buddies. You took bromance to a whole new level, honey. Though I guess it can’t be helped, given what you support.

And to the end...

So this was actually based on a straight pairing? No wonder KO acted like a brat. If it means anything, I feel sorry for your friend, mostly because she doesn’t know her friend adores male rape and would probably pair her BF with a random man on the street. That’s how perverted things are.

“I would like to imagine him asking Knockout to enter a serious relationship with him” – Of course you would. After all, no two males can be friends; they must always be gay at the behest of another, and be effeminate and weak. But in all seriousness, this would never work, because they are best friends, and two: neither of them do that shit. They hate humanity, so why would they lower themselves to the low? Ask yourself that.

So: clichéd, dull, hilarious at times when it’s meant to be serious, and no climatic knowledge and environmental parameters. You’re sure a chip off the old block, and it makes sense, since you draw male robots as female, down to the lips and hips. What a sad state.
Sounddrive chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
Oh goodness. Everything in this fic-the characters, setting, situation, realistic actions/reactions-just wonderful!

I like how you cut it off in the end. Makes one imagine the outcome. X3
vampireyautja chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
Oh my god! SQUUUEEEEEE! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I just love happy fluff of knockout and breaky. *hugs* thank you! 3
The Giant Dorito chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
You know, therebis no such thing as a Canadian rainforest, because our climate is too cold for such things. Even the warmer provinces like Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, or even PEI have rainforests, they are still too cold. If you hadn't have stated that there were, you would have another reader. Sorry i have a bit of ADD but i cant stand things when they are obviously false.
lildevchick chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
Awww, that was sooo cute. It was nice seeing Breaky all serious for once and I loved seeing how increasingly flustered Knockout was becoming.

Very cute story! :)
Skylark Starflower chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
Aww, that was adorable. I love these guys. :) Totally my OTP.

Also, are they in B.C.? Because that description sounds a lot like B.C. I dunno, just kinda curious. It also makes me think of the Arrogant Worms song 'Rocks and Trees.' ('Cause we've got Rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and rocks and trees and trees and rocks and waaateeeer.) Hee hee.

It's okay, KO. I don't understand why anyone wants to go camping in conditions like that, either. Or camping in general. Just chalk it up to humans being completely insane. ...though it's a different insanity than that of people who don't like camping. Humans are just nuts in general.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling weird review. I need sleep. But seriously though, I like this story. Good stuff. :)
heretherebemonsters chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
Omg, so beautiful! I want more!
PwnKage chapter 1 . 10/21/2012