Reviews for Profilers, Profiled
Gubefan1980 chapter 4 . 3/23/2015
Omg not cheesey AT ALL that was so adorable. Love love loved it. I take it the sweater vest is at Morgan's that was soooo sweet.
Annber03 chapter 4 . 10/28/2014
I don't care if it was cheesy. I have a very high tolerance for cheese, or what some might perceive as cheese, anyway :p. And besides that, this was ADORABLE. I was smiling like a dork throughout the whole thing.

Leave it to Reid to view everything in math terms. I love how you go down the list and show how he finds himself giving more and more percentages of himself to Morgan-and it's never a proper, neat number, either, it's all messy and full of extra numbers after the little dot, which is appropriate when it comes to something as not neat/very messy as love :). Now see, if math class had been more like THIS, maybe I would've done better in that subject in school.

I like how the numbers are negative at first, too, and quite negative at that. Indeed, I always wondered what it must've been like when these two very first met each other-I can easily see them taking a while to warm up to one another. Reid would be very, very strange to someone like Morgan, and Morgan's supposed typical alpha male demeanor that you note would DEFINITELY have put Reid off in turn.

But of course, we're all glad that they did manage to look past all that and become friends (and eventually more, in this story anyway). I find it particularly interesting that Reid, who long had that "Reid effect" following him around when it came to children, would find something like Morgan helping children and interacting with them a reason to hand part of himself over to the guy. But of course, I don't blame him for finding Morgan attractive in those moments-I too love it when Morgan interacts with kids on the show, and it's a great example of his more gentle, nurturing, vulnerable side, which, considering Reid's very first impression of Morgan, would be a very important part of him for Reid to see. It wouldn't surprise me if Morgan's easy interaction with kids helped give Reid the confidence to become more comfortable around children himself, to the point where he can be named someone's godfather and nobody would question the idea :).

I also love the reference to Reid finding out that Morgan talks about him to his family a lot-if ever there was a sweet moment for the Morgan/Reid fans out there to latch on to, that would definitely be the perfect one to choose. The idea of Reid being so giddy over that revelation is just so adorable. I also loved the moment when Reid managed to make Morgan laugh. A good sense of humor, the ability to make someone laugh, is definitely one of the most important things in any relationship (or friendship), as far as I'm concerned, and I love the idea that Morgan's comfortable enough with Reid to where he can get Reid's unusual sense of humor and enjoy it. I tend to love the way Reid can subtly throw out a snarky line every now and again as well, so I'm with Morgan on finding it attractive. Reid calling their dinner together a date in his mind was incredibly sweet as well.

And I love all the other little details that indicate how close they're getting. Morgan bringing him coffee, and eventually remembering to make it how Reid likes it. Taking some sugar for his own cup after Reid gives him a statistic about the benefits of sugar. His friendly reaction to finding Reid falling asleep on his shoulder (gah, that was so cute, especially the bit about how the last time Reid had done that was when he was a kid. So many freaking cute images running through my mind then :D. And him being embarrassed about falling asleep against Morgan here. Aw). And I love the thought of them just hanging out together and keeping each other company at the office until it's time to head home, too.

Same with how the details carried over into their actual relationship, with leaving clothes at each other's places. I also like that they spend enough time together to where they can have some lovely evenings doing whatever, but are still able and allow each other to lead their own separate lives. Even the closest of friends and/or loves needs their alone time every now and again, and it's nice that these two respect that about each other. It makes the time they DO spend together that much more special and meaningful. And the thought of them making sure they get some time together to regroup after the more serious, life-threatening moments their job brings, to kiss each other and reassure each other they're okay? Sigh. That's lovely. And very touching.

And I like that they're willing to just let this thing go wherever it may, that they understand the rules of their job but are still willing to take the risk to be happy (and as for the more discriminatory laws that would prevent them from being together, I'm always happy for anyone willing to go up against those). I love the image of Hotch giving them "an awkward and extremely vague lecture", too-gave me a really funny mental picture. As long as they know they've got his support, at least, that's something, so...yay :).

The end lines were wonderful and made me smile. That's a calculation that makes perfect sense to me. Very sweet, creative story, this one. Look forward to what's next!
Guest chapter 4 . 10/28/2014
This chapter was brilliant writing, so well done
irishgirl9 chapter 4 . 10/28/2014
What a beautiful fic! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
marcallie chapter 4 . 10/28/2014
I didn't think it was cheesy at all. I really enjoyed the pieces of Reid going to Morgan; it seems exactly like the way Reid would think about it. And the line, "Morgan knows where to touch to break Reid apart, but he also knows where to sooth and press to piece him back together again," is exquisite. If I had a partner, I would definitely use that line on him/her.
Gubefan1980 chapter 3 . 7/4/2014
Awww, I love my boys falling in love, this has been so sweet, I love all those details that taken alone mean nothing or something, but taken together mean love, very nice story,, I'm not good at reviewing every chapter but this is a tender, sweet, loving and poignant story
mcpzzlgrl chapter 3 . 4/25/2013
Aww, these are so sweet! Keep the one-shots coming!
irishgirl9 chapter 3 . 4/24/2013
This is sweet. I love Morgan taking care of Reid.
Annber03 chapter 3 . 4/24/2013
Awwwwwwwwwwwww...:). That's adorable.

Also loved this: "Reid also doesn't seem to understand that doing something solely for someone else doesn't always hold bad connotations and that Morgan might actually want to do nice things for him because it's him."-so spot on. I understand he wants to take care of himself, he always has anyway, but still...

Also, the thought of them watching "Frasier" made me smile (I love that show), and I can easily relate to Reid's issue of having a hard time finding someone who shares your interests.

Loving these little drabbles so far-chapter 2 was another particular favorite of mine, I love how you tied so many moments from the series to Reid's feelings over the years. Look forward to reading more of this.
irishgirl9 chapter 2 . 10/19/2012
This is beautiful.
Evie Antorcha chapter 2 . 10/19/2012
That was so beautiful, can't wait for more!
People Person I'm Not chapter 2 . 10/19/2012
Nice. I like how you get the story across with dialogue. It's very intriguing.
irishgirl9 chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
I love this fic. The last paragraph is so beautiful.