Reviews for The Chance to Try
GAM12 chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
Normally, I don't like ME AU's, but this one was AWESOME. A real tearjerker. Keep up the story after the sequel.
fall shadow chapter 12 . 3/24/2014
Really interesting. I have thought of the idea before of what if Ashley had gotten pregnant in Mass Effect 3 before Shepard died (or maybe didn't), but this was something I hadn't considered before. It was well-written and kept my interest throughout. Nicely done and thanks for sharing!
Gretzan chapter 11 . 6/4/2013
Good story. Wish you hadn't killed Vega & Wrex but makes for good story.
I Wumbo chapter 7 . 4/14/2013
My name is legion for we are many
AllanPrice chapter 11 . 12/23/2012
Really enjoyed the story! Great work! Loved the 2nd ending but boy was the first emotional. The first ending though has made me hunger to see what an alternative future would be like based on the 'happy ending.'

Ever thought there could be a possibly sequel where the boys are grown up? Or it flashes through them growing up? You've got me invested to see how good they'll do as parents! Plus there has to be a little sister in the future...Ash is a Williams afterall :P Thanks again for a great story.
htickle1 chapter 12 . 12/17/2012
Great Job!
Adams7 chapter 12 . 12/17/2012
I can relate, the past week I've been trying to focus on school work because my IB English teacher was giving us a new paper to write on Hamlet EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I still haven't caught up, and at this point, I doubt I ever will. *Shrugs* Eh, I guess it's a good thing I intend to work for a year after graduating instead of going right to college so I can focus on my writing career (or lack thereof right now), my grades suck.
Adams7 chapter 10 . 12/12/2012
I'll admit, Synthesis is probably my favorite ending in terms of my M!Shep. (I'm sorry, but I just can't let my Fem!Shep die and leave Garrus all alone. :'( I just can't.)
I still don't get HOW that works though. I mean, Shepard really wasn't a true Synthesis of synthetics and organics. How could him jumping into the Crucible's beam turn all life into a syntho-organic hybrid. It doesn't make sense. If ME was like Star Wars and a Science Fantasy, than I wouldn't be nearly as bothered by it, but it's NOT, it's Science FICTION, and that means that you expect some sort of explanation, hell, they could have made up some eezo crap and I would have accepted it, but no, nothing.
wilkco chapter 11 . 12/11/2012
Nice twist on the destroy ending.

Not a fan of indoc theory but I like what you have done with it. Think a lot of people donot like vega as he seems a pointless charcter. Your Wrex death is sad but something he would do. I always think there should have been a virmire type part on earth where shep has to decide between saving liara or garrus as they have been with him from the beginning and yes sad to lose one but would have given a good story.

Still liked your story caught the paragon sheppard very well.
lori0108 chapter 10 . 12/3/2012
This was really well written. I enjoyed this ending
Cant wait for the canon ending
Jules Hawk chapter 10 . 12/3/2012
You know, when you asked me to read this the first time I cried, you fixed it, I read it again and cried. I've now read it again and guess what, I cried.

Well done, really well done. Waiting for the other ending and next fic from you, know it's going to be good.
Shepard112 chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
Glad you have another ending in the works. This one got the water works going. Still, this is one of my favorite ME fics.
htickle1 chapter 9 . 11/30/2012
Please don't kill Shepard, EDI or the Geth; but please kill the Reapers!
htickle1 chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
I really like the twist to this story.
Noobbody chapter 6 . 11/6/2012
I don't understand (or just dislike...) why they don't tell their child that Shepard is it's father.
Other than that, this story is quite good. The pacing is good and it's close enough to canonical events that everything feels familiar, but at the same time, there's enough original content to make the reader want to know what happens next. Like the drunken encounter, for example.
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