Reviews for Untameable
SpiderFanWrites chapter 1 . 1/27
Awww Tony's so cute when he's loopy.
BlueDiamondStar chapter 1 . 6/21/2018
Cute AF
IWishIHadATurtle chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
This is so amazing, I have no words. But, I'd like to say that this is actually the best thing ever! I love the fact that your story acknowledges that a person has no more or no less worth by being a virgin like Steve or a person well versed in the arts like Tony.
Your an amazing author and I hope you have a good day :)
skylaeatpie chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
Absolutely amazing! Great job!
Polish chapter 1 . 6/24/2014
Snerk! okay, um did you perhaps ever read a story called the unicorn chronicles by Bruce Coville? wow...I havent called that name in ... years, wow... anyway, that aside I liked it!
May Eve chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
TheOneThatGotAway99 chapter 1 . 10/22/2013
Puff the Magic Dragon. Hah. Twilight bashing, love it. Oh my gosh. What just happened? xD I think mind-melding with anything in such a way would definitely leave a lasting impression, if only in a difference of how that person views something, if not in an actual continued connection. And yes, I agree: the unicorn had to die. xD
I am a virgin, and proud of it. Nineteen years old and counting. Abstinence 'til marriage and all that jazz. Ain't no one gettin' nuthin' from me 'til there's a diamond on this finger.
Great story. Enjoyed it a lot. It started getting a bit of a slashy feel towards the end, but in my head it is family fluff. Steve realizing there is more to Tony Stark than meets the eye. He wears many a mask to hide what is underneath; all his issues and problems and feelings hidden beneath a few layers of snark and charm and arrogantly smug indifference. I think you did a good job showcasing Steve and Tony's rather strained (not-quite-)friendship, and actually having them grow a little closer. Love that Tony has a secret 'affection addiction'. That is amazing. Most stories have it so Tony hates being touched unless it is sexual. Nah, Tony definitely needs more hugs. The friendly, comforting, just-to-remind-you-that-you-are-not-alone hugs.


P.S. 'Thor is my favorite.' Hah! Too great. :D
One-Eyed Zoro chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
You're still perfect. Write more Avengers fics. Like now. Or I may go completely crazy.
voyuerer chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
This had easily become one of my favorite fics. I loved Tony and the Unicorm bonding over Steve. Steve was their katnip, lol! I was so sad to see it die, but glad Tony was able to keep a piece if him. This is an awesome beginning of something special between the boys.
YellowDancer chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
Wonderful! And I hugely respect you for addressing this topic. As someone who has struggled with the frustrations of being caught between my own convictions and society's pressures, I can definitely relate. And as a fan of avengers, I can also appreciate the topic in this context and didn't realize what it was I had been looking for in a fic until you wrote it. Great job!
weareserialkillers chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
I'm a big fan of stories that have a really good friendship between Steve and Tony, just because I figured that once they started to understand each other, they'd have an epic friendship. I also love stories that have Tony as an affection junkie- I feel like it really suits his character. I don't know if you've written a sequel to this, but I'd love to read more. I think this could even be a really good start to a chaptered story. I'd love to read more stories like this, and I think that you did an amazing job characterizing both Steve and Tony.
skywright chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
This was a lovely one-shot. I love the explanations and how you mind connected the unicorn with Tony, and how you have unicorns not being pure. I think this is one of my absolute favorite one-shots.
ORgasmicPigeon chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
Very nicely done! So cute! :3
Qweb chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
Nice story. A point to be made with action and characterization. Well done.
ReaderoftheBooks chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
That was amazing. I wish there was more fics like this with Tony so empathetic.
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