Reviews for The Sunloved Tree
AliceCullen3 chapter 1 . 11/18/2017
SayMrrp chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Winter-Grown-Lily chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
'Arthur's smile was wry as he said, "I know. You poured water on my toes for an entire year."'
Arthur's keeping' it real :L
Loved it!
neko sayz nya chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
.i don't know why but my face is so red right normally doesn't happen...Oh well, it was a great fic and i loved it!
AngelRuby235 chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
Oh WOW! An Olympic event fic!how lovely & refreshing!
mymanisfictional chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
This was seriously really cool. I'm fascinated by mythology and I like the way you related this fic to that. I can honestly picture Arthur as a dryad (hell, anything of that sort suits him so well) and I Alfred's bright role fit him too. I think it's interesting that they actually got in trouble for NOT doing stuff when usually in mythology trouble happens BECAUSE of sex xD So that was a nice twist. All in all, good fic
Wenbo chapter 1 . 4/11/2013
Oh God, this is just so wonderful w. I've always like those mythologies about the Greek gods. The story is cute and very well written. I really love it.
TheGrandJester chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
VengefulMothSlayer chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
That was so coooool! I love Greek mythology, this was nice :)
Sora Resi chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
This is the second time I'v read this and I love it as much as the first time around. It's unique amongst USUK fanfiction and it's absolutely wonderful :)
Anne Fatalism Dilettante chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
USUK and mythology? That was brilliant! Definitely made my day. I like how you portrayed Alfred's devotion to Arthur - watering his toes for a year, eh? Oh, darn. This was just so...darn...eternal love...UGH THE SAPPINESS BUT IT'S AWESOME. *squeals like a fangirl*

And oh, Artie. Playing hard-to-get at the end. xD
BrokenXFacade chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Can someone please explain to me why this fic had seventy-one faves and only fifteen reviews? That just doesn't make sense. Honestly, this website needs more respect between writers. If you want a review, go out and give reviews. It's not that difficult, people. Respect your favorite authors enough to review their works.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this one! I'm not one for mythology, but I know the basics-well, I actually did not know what a dryad was-and this one is very well written. You know the information enough to make it believable, and Alfred's identity as a lesser god of sunshine was a great choice. And I never get tired of the way you characterize these two.
I really liked that you wrote this in a way that seemed natural to the type of story it is. The style, I mean? If that makes sense. Maybe it's the vocabulary? Well, whatever it is that my brain doesn't seem to want to get a handle on, it's a nice touch.
All in all, I really enjoyed it.

Until Next Time,
Shy Neko-chan
AlfredLovesArthur chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
Oh man this is just too cute. I really loved the whole fairytale aspect of this story along with your take on Alfred as a sun god and Arthur as a dryad. A super wonderful story that was all up enjoyable, especially that teasing ending.
Sunflowers In Moscow chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
This was brilliant!

Very well written, and you incorporated the Greek style mythology into it very well. The characters seemed to just slide into place, and weren't OOC! Congratulations!

No spelling or grammar mistakes I picked up on, and the emotional undercurrent was very clear. It was so sweet that he waited for so long, despite Arthur being a tree! Romantic
And the lemon was tastefully written, and not overly vulgar.

All in all, I loved this fic. USUK and Greek Mythology? A definite thumbs up from me!
Kiki-Bunny chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
This was absolutely adorable. Even with such a pleasantly short story, you kept both Alfred and Arthur in character beautifully. :)
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