Reviews for Cooking For Two
tammyteresa64 chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
MTT-VB chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
This had me chuckling out loud! Such wonderful imagery. I especially liked the moment when Sybil was feeling sorry for herself and then glanced down at her ring. Yes, too late for regrets - and she'd never regret choosing a life with Tom.
btvs chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
really cute, thanks for writing, I too, am a terrible cook! hehe
3Down1Up chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Love this, of course! Yes, this is totally possible in S/B world. Yay to Sybil trying so hard, failing at something, yet still being determined, and yay to Branson's smirk. Another great story!
BelleLitteraire chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Oh this was hilariously divine! I couldn't stop laughing throughout, and I agree with you: I believe this did happen. Even when she was wailing at her miserable effort I couldn't help but laugh at her plight, the poor thing! She just needs more lessons, and she'll get the hang of things. I love her exuberance and her single-minded attitude to being a good homemaker, but she has the presence of mind to go to Tom's no-nonsense mum for help with the chicken! :D I especially love her cry of being a healer, not a killer - that sent me over the edge. And likening marriage to being a killer? Now that, dear Sybil, is being dramatic. Also know, dear, that wilted beans do not mean less cooking time. This was a goodie; made me laugh so much.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
d'aww poor Sybil.

Favorite line: "Well. You know. Chicken."
Katie Duggan's Niece chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Beautifully written (I loved the images of the wedding bouquet, fresh and then faded) and endearing. Sybil and Branson are both sweet and adorable here, and the elder Mrs. Branson adds a welcome dash of salt to the mixture - though I did feel for her daughter-in-law.

Best of all were the images of Branson practicing his look and Sybil descending into chaos. She's such a child bride!

The chicken-vs-egg gag at the end was perfect.
beyondgurl chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Very sweet. Great job! I love how you see these two.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
My babies. All grown up and married and facing trouble in the kitchen. Loved it, thanks for sharing.
pepperous chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Oh my! The Bransons will probably have to eat pancakes, er... I mean eggs, for the rest of their lives and get FAT FAT FAT! ;) Not only did I love this, but your avatar inspired me to immediately sit down and watch Kiki's Delivery Service, so you are doubly fantastic. Anyway, I love the way Sybil is a bit melodramatic and bratty in your story. I love her dearly, but she is far from perfect and I definitely think this is EXACTLY the kind of situation she would be likely facing domestically. Great job!
robspace54 chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Poor Sybil, but heavens she tried very hard. I think cooking lessons and practice will suffice to improve her skills. For they can not eat eggs every night for dinner!

Cute story!
readingfrenzy chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Well done! Nice slice of life, realistic display of what cooking must have been like back then for the commoners. Never thought about having to kill dinner before cooking it. Also, I like how you had Branson practicing his response to Sybil's cooking. Very sweet. Thanks. RF
shana.rose chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Oh poor Sybil! She tried so hard. I love the idea of Tom practicing his facial reactions at work. His co-workers must have thought him very strange!
Duchess chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Another great story from you. I just love your sense of humour!