Reviews for Asset Series 2: See No Evil
Lovetribable chapter 17 . 2/20/2017
Honestly i am not sure whether i hate you or love you. But you're driving me nuts with this
It's great.
klu chapter 17 . 4/29/2014
This story was really good. The creepy factor was, once again, off the charts in terms of the bad guys and the blood-bath of people being slaughtered for some sick ritual - which is what made it so fun to read. I look forward to reading more and learning the entire backstory about how Chloe met Sam and Azazel's plans for her as his 'asset'. I am also really concerned for Lois and what the mega-douche Uriel did to her. You've done an excellent job with starting a in-depth story arc here and also now managed to weave two very interesting smaller Hunts into the plot. Well done. Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/27/2013
I love the dynamic between Sam, Jess, and Chloe - you write Jess really well! And (between Adam and Margaret) you write liars really well, I don't think anyone suspected Margaret reading this.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/12/2013
Holy shit, an angel!
Evangeline-Sibeliah chapter 17 . 9/30/2012
Aww, Dean came back.
This was an intense read, full of dark places and adrenalin. Chloe's in a strange place right now, I can't quite figure her out, so I assume it's because you needed to prep her character for something epic. On to the sequel!
Evangeline-Sibeliah chapter 11 . 9/30/2012
Wow. Seems like this story brings out the worst from everyone, especially Dean.
It's kinda realistic, though. Nobody's all wise and considerate when they're locked up in a labyrinth with a bloodthirsty ogre.
Evangeline-Sibeliah chapter 6 . 9/30/2012
So I noticed that both America and Japan have this myth that once a girl loses her virginity, her body somehow develops into a woman's. That's really interesting.
Evangeline-Sibeliah chapter 3 . 9/28/2012
I wonder what exactly is going on on "Doctor" Masters' sessions!

Lois wanting to play mommy and daddy with some perfectly chosen guy over Chloe is kind of creepy. What's with the father figure obsession anyway? Both Dean and Lois have it, thinking that a man would make the family safer than anything else. If I were Lois, I'd try to find Gabe a strong and experienced wife - a policewoman maybe XD
Evangeline-Sibeliah chapter 2 . 9/28/2012
I really liked Dean's comparisons to his own family in this.
Also, favorite moments:

Don't tell Chloe about this, she's going to want to find this Bobby and make him her Sensei.
"Where did she find this bear, why was she following it, and why didn't it eat her?" "All very good questions."
ChamberlinofMusic chapter 17 . 9/6/2012
Awwwwww! Poor Chloe, Dean really has me falling in love with his caring side. Those two are a riot to read especially with how exasperated they get with the other. Man can I just say this was more of a horror/chiller. Seriously my sister came in my room and I jumped while I was involved with the more intense chapters, lol. I should have finished this first before I hopped around but now I understand why Chloe is so excited to see Lex in the new fic. It's obviously connected with Azeal. I cannot wait to see where this series heads next! :)
13Nyx13 chapter 17 . 8/27/2012
I love it! I can't wait to see what happens next. And the twist with Sam and Jess knowing Chloe at the end was soo amazing! This story truly freaked me out!
Veronica chapter 17 . 8/24/2012
Wow...Poor Chloe...I bet they (angels and demons) did not see Dean coming back...this story keeps getting interesting...and Chloe knows Sam ( I am intrigued)...I wonder what is the connection and how it will unfold...I like Wade and Chloe, it looks like he really cares for her...I think Dean is going to fall for Chloe...Please update soon! I can not wait for a sequel...not to mention when Chloe figures out what the hell is going on and the connection between the demons and angels...

Amazing writng!
FebruaryINK chapter 17 . 8/24/2012
First time reviewer here, but not a first time fan.

That last chapter is all kinds of epic D.

I've only recently discovered your stash of fics. Had to take a step back to check my eyesight when I saw the big 356 next to "my stories" on your page. I'm in love with so many of your Chloe/insertawesomemalehere stories, especially the more obscure pairings. But I suppose I'll go harrass you with reviews on those stories rather than here...

I love your characterization of Dean in this. In my mind he is loyal to a fault, and he always ALWAYS comes back to those that needs him, regard to all his complaining beforehand. It makes my heart melt in just the right places.

And despite the fact that I prefer Chloe/Dean (as apposed to Chloe/Sam), I did not really garner any romantic undertones in this story. But this is definitely a good thing, as their connection seems deeper, more symbiotic, which is only a testament to your writing skill.

I also like to applaud you on your frequent updates. It is a reader's dream

Looking forward to what you come up with (or continue *hint!* next).
sarcastic melody chapter 17 . 8/24/2012
I'm obsessed! More! Haha I love your writing, please continue with this...
The Realm Eternal chapter 17 . 8/23/2012

Oh, there had better be a third story in this series. You absolutely CANNOT leave it like that!
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