Reviews for Season for Treason
Orphaned-okay chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
Aww, this is so cute. I loved Merlin/Arthur dynamic - the ease they interact with, their banter. Sweaty Kilgharrah nearly calling Merlin a "prat" was hilarious! Lovely, lovely story!
sharmini chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
Easily, very easily, this could have become an episode from the show. And just as easily, it could also fall into the realm of slash fiction.

I love the fact that you left an open much as I go 'Argh!' at that it, it also allows us to come to our conclusion, which I think is a good way to pass the time whilst on a forty - five minute drive to work.

The banter between Arthur and Merlin was spot on. Just right amount of resignation (Merlin) and prattiness (Arthur). And Kilgarrah...seriously, I can see this happening on the screen. It would have been fantastic. I also loved that you gave us details like Uther's head not falling into his dinner plate...these are the kind of small details I love the most. And ou had an effortless way of writing it that makes it a joy to read.

It has been a while since I enjoyed a platonic Merlin and Arthur fic. Thank you for this.

Shadow-StrikeRaven chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Too many Lols :D :D
Nice one!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
Very entertaining. Well done. Love the title too.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
Very entertaining! True to character and the pacing of dialogue. I especially enjoyed the way you invoked the non-verbal "dueling gazes" between Gaius and Merlin, the incorporation of the inevitable flinging of goblets, and the forethought of avoiding the "forehead plow". I look forward to another 'episode'!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
AHHH! Now I get to write my first awesome-long review for YOU! This is soso cool...

Your first line about Merlin's shirt sucked me right in-I originally read this while being very air-conditioned and safe, and then you snapped me out of it and reminded me of the fact that it was hell outside. I absolutely loved the bit about the armor, I've never wondered about how hard that must be for those poor actors to wear, and Merlin's "Are you going to actually get up and fight back? Oh, wait, you wouldn't—not without your armor. Not that you could put it on by yourself anyway," was epicness, and exactly something he would say to a bratty Arthur (it's funny how your frustration with Arthur comes across in this, I can just tell you wanna make Merlin slap him)

Uther blaming sorcery was also hilarious...I'd like to blame sorcery right now...but you also bring up a good point about the show-when magic is always used as an excuse, what DO the people of Camelot accept as the world's truth?

Arthur understanding what Merlin did to his father, and the reference to the unicorn episode with the questionable one, was so sweet and fitting to their relationship on the show. You made up a bit for Arthur's prattishness at the beginning in the exact same way the show does, actually. Just when you think you should hate him, he does something awesome.

Last line-also perfect. Merlin probably DOES have to repeat that every day of his life. Can't wait to see if you continue this! Awesome job, can't believe I finally get to read your writing!
Bailieboro chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Congratulations on your story, entertaining and well written. Condolences on the heat wave only good side affect, is that when it's too hot to sleep, it's surprising how much writing one can accomplish.
JoyfulWhispersInternet chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Liked the ending XD
Phandomoverload chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Awesome:) why has no one ever thought of drugging Uther before anyway? It's a brilliant idea if you ask me. I know what you mean about this heat wave though, it's hell. Yesterday when I woke up I checked the weather on my phone, and found out that it was 97 degrees at 7 in the morning. I've come to a conclusion. It must be the work of sorcery! :D