Reviews for An Unfortunate, Uneventful Independence Day
Lmb111514 chapter 1 . 2/11
This story was incredibly beautiful and sweet to read!
Athanasia chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
I dird from freaking cuteness *-*
221bdeductions chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
This is so cute!
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 9/15/2014
I know it wasn't Canada ! xD

And I liked USUK fic like this where England was too weak to tell that the Canada there is America !
Only this fic and one I found yesterday that had idea like this.

It's Adorable Sweet... Nice!
yunike08 chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
Uh.. I feel bad for Canada so I'm gonna say it's America mistaken for Canada.

But there are hints pointing to America like his obvious dislike for tea. I have yet to know if Canada shares this dislike. Then the laugh, I don't think anyone but America make a kind of laugh too familiar to England.

I love this story. I've been searching for something like this for a long time. And thank you for writing it. Take care!
vulpixfairy chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Hmmmm I think Arthur was getting delirious from his fever and the lights aren't bright enough to distinguishing facial features fully so...I'd like to think that Matthew got the call and then Alfred came over to look after him. Forgive me for using their human names :) this is a wonderful story and will be saved in my faves :)
Ayumu smile chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
Aww! That's so sweet! :)
haha, he thought America is canada! That's a first!
Speadee chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
I'm glad they confessed. It was nice to see England's vulnerable side as well as America's competent side. I like how Canada was recognized... well, I hope that was him.

I'm guessing two things. The first one is that Canada told America about the phone call, and America went. However, their eye colors and voices are different. Then again, England probably can't tell the difference. My other guess is that Canada did take care of England, but left when America arrived.