Reviews for Academia
Mia chapter 18 . 1/21/2018
Hahaha I love the last part! I actually didn't see the set up part of it coming. I though it was a legitimate fight not Holmes having an arrangement! Good Job! I loved it unedited and all! Waiting for the next one!
Mia chapter 17 . 11/17/2017
Omg! Finally an update! Please please put another chapter up soon! Or even a notice saying if you are going to continue or not. And also possibly when to expect absolutely love this story please keep going.
SecondaryPsychopath chapter 17 . 10/27/2017
YES BITCH! I can't believe you updated! I'm so excited
angelvoice15 chapter 17 . 10/27/2017
It has been a while since you uploaded a chapter hope to see more coming some...keep up the good work!
bgm76 chapter 16 . 4/18/2017
Reall enjoying the story. I hope you continue!
Nimwen chapter 16 . 4/5/2017
I just wanted to see if this story interests me and what can I say, I read it in one go and just want to read more. The characters are really good written and in character. I like Chaterine and her growing relationship (if you can call it that) with Holmes. I would like to see a little bit more action and dangerous situations but I am satisfied with the next update, no matter what you decide to write. And the Punch Bowl... at least he is partly naked :)
Dyingdarkgrave chapter 16 . 1/4/2017
Excellent. I see you've jumped right back in, and I must say, I absolutely loved it. Keep on writing, my friend.
AkatsukiShizu3 chapter 16 . 12/12/2016
Ooooooooo someone's got a date~ can't wait so see how she fairs at the Punch bowl xD
Mia chapter 16 . 9/18/2016
Please please please update this soon! This is brilliant! Your portray Holmes perfectly! And I love Catherine's attitude! Cannot wait for the next chapter!
SoulCut chapter 16 . 9/13/2016
Glad you are going to keep updating! I had to re read the story, so im definitely hooked again. Great chapter!
loveit chapter 5 . 1/23/2016
Your writing and tale of this Miss Keaton is simply put ravishing! I simply love it and can't get enough of it. Well thought out and well written, I look forward to reading more of your works.
Regin chapter 15 . 6/8/2014
iI Like, I Lust, I Love!pLEASE uPDATE sOON!
Domino91 chapter 15 . 11/2/2013
Uppppdate it's been a year watch the movie again get that spark back just don't leave this story hanging
just chillin.killin chapter 2 . 4/3/2013
she's playing a game with a man who plays the game for the sake of the game
Nephele.Paints.The.Rain chapter 15 . 3/23/2013
I know that (at the time) 5'5'' might be too tall for a woman but damn you I'm 5'7''! I should be considered a giant! xD anyway. I like th cases and stuff but I would likeit if the got a little more personal and I don't mean Cat pestering him about his addiction. I mean like...I don't know. baybe Sherlock could ask her about her problems for once. on in a sweet way obviously. In the Sherlock way. That bit about that tea helping with isomnia was my favorite part!
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