Reviews for The Wolf and the Badger
T-tawny chapter 17 . 6/1
UWU I loved that!
HereBeHobbits chapter 17 . 3/29
AHHHHHHHH THIS IS MY FAVORITE AU EVEREVEREVER! I love how you worked in your alternate timeline into the canon one, it flowed so well! And their reunion– whoof, I am feeling all of the things rn :D :D :D

Thank you so much for writing and sharing this fic– definitely favoriting a thousand times over!
HereBeHobbits chapter 6 . 3/29
AHHHHHH I was hoping for a scene like this– where he'd get to see how awesome she was at earthbending and be totally entranced 33 it's even better that it leads into the kiss– which was even better! this has been just amazing and I'm so excited to keep reading!
Crimson Eyed Sakura chapter 17 . 9/30/2017
This was really cute!
Astiar chapter 17 . 4/10/2017
This was amazing. Thank you for sharing it. _
REDEADED chapter 16 . 9/24/2015
Everytime I come back to Tokka I come back to this story period. Thank you for making this amazing story so fucking memorable! Never stop writing please?

TokkaShip chapter 17 . 1/8/2015
OMG this was amazing, a great alternative to the original story -even better because its all about Tokka. Feel free to keep this up, I would love to read about their life after the war.
TokkaShip chapter 12 . 1/8/2015
aggghhhhh! come on Tokka!
TokkaShip chapter 11 . 1/8/2015
I thought this was the end, thank god there are more chapters!
Tawny chapter 17 . 12/4/2014
Beautifully done. Thanks
SwampTreader chapter 9 . 7/24/2014
Can I just take a moment to say how much I appreciate the writing in this chapter. I freaking love that you didn't make this a "sokka gets a boner" chapter. Usually in a lot of the other fics I've read, when something happens that involves clothes having to be removed because of an illness or survival or what have you, hard-ons always follow and sometimes even the frick-frack. and I just really sat back and reveled at how you made sex the FARTHEST thing from Sokka's mind in this chapter because he was concerned for Toph's safety and well being and I just get really excited and worked up when authors actually match a characters actions to be appropriate with what's happening in the scene. I'm sure I've been one of those bad authors though in my writing so apology in advance for my own shady writing XD
Crazy With Happiness chapter 17 . 2/21/2014
This story was AMAZING! The perfect story to read when I have my tokka feels :)
jigentou chapter 17 . 10/30/2013
I'm not sure if you are going to read this seeing as how it looks like your account is kind of dead. I wanted to say that this story was amazing and I sat down and stayed up all night reading it to the end. I never thought someone would write a story that introduces Toph and Sokka before Aang. Really enjoyed the story and I felt all sad when Toph was leaving Sokka but realized what was going to happen after they woke up Aang. Thanks for writing something so heartfelt and sweet for Tokka fans.
Pokethat chapter 11 . 9/2/2013

You messed up Sokka
EvilFuzzy9 chapter 17 . 8/5/2013
(i am so hopeless)

But this was a great end to a very good fic, and I liked it VERY much, in case you couldn't tell from the way my reviews basically degenerated into fanboy gibberish by the end there. :P

This might be one of my favorites, out of all the Tokka fics I've been reading recently. So, thanks for writing it, eh wot? :D
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