Reviews for Changing Spaces
justagirlwholikestowrite chapter 1 . 4/22
You captured the voice of a younger sibling really well and the feeling of losing an older sibling as they suddenly age out of childhood. You brought up memories for me that I had forgotten about, so really great work.
Keefer chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Really well done. I liked it a lot.
Just wondering though, what are their ages?
Linnie McCary chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
So interesting, so unique, and so real. I love that you chose this kind of a moment in time to create-thanks for sharing!
nancylou chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Jealous!WeeSammy, may be my new favorite Sam.

Poor baby, thinking that John would EVER come first in Dean's heart.

'Dumb ass journal', LOL, Sammy takes his wrath out on everything of John's, including the Impala. Bad WeeSammy.

My favorite scene is the end when John returns and rejects Dean's help, so Dean is all like 'fudge it, I'll go where I am wanted' and Sammy is all \o/ 'mine'.
SecondStarToTheRight18 chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Aw, how very cute. Poor little Sammy! :( My favorite part was the part about Dean's smile. :) Nice little fic!
theBlueEyedOne chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
This is sweet and mildly depressing, but don't be worried by that. It's very well written and a great read. Thank you for posting this.
Tisha Wyman chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Wow. A great slice of their lives. Sam is angry because he thinks his Dad is taking Dean and Dean's love from him. All the time, John is caring about Sam. Dean loves Sam but he wants his Dad's love and respect also. He may be getting to be treated like a man, but there's no love thee. Not like Sam is shown. Things are not always like a young boy thinks.