Reviews for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Cyclone160 chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
I did a book report once on this fanfiction in 9th grade. I'm here to reread it for the first time in 4 years ahahahaha!

This was the first fanfiction i fell in love with.
RedLightningD608 chapter 68 . 8/31/2017
I got to say l, I loved following your story its turned into one of my favourites.
Leftwich08 chapter 68 . 2/9/2017
Ok fun fact I'm freaking exhausted... I just read the entire thing in less than two full days... Overnight this morning and through the afternoon to be specific... I must day I really enjoyed it obviously and despite the modern phrases in what is meant to be a medieval time I think your writing style generally complimented about how most people feel playing the game even if that was not your intention. Sorry for the rambling and now I shall attempt to sleep... Gnight... Afternoon... Who cares...
Cyberweasel89 chapter 3 . 12/17/2016
Good to see they went with Hadvar.

I was wondering how you'd do Taryn changing into the armor. Well handled.

Ah, so Taryn is a thief, eh? Cool. I prefer playing a mage, myself.
Cyberweasel89 chapter 2 . 12/17/2016
Huh, Taryn can understand spoken Dragon language? Interesting...

So far, I haven't seen much description for Taryn. A bit disappointed in that. Hopefully you describe her later. Hair, eyes, figure. Be nice to know who I picture saying these words.

Also a bit disappointed this is first-person. I find it's just too limiting and very often backfires if the "person" in the "first-person" just isn't interesting to hear the thoughts of.

However, I have to say, for game events, you sure made them interesting. Much better than I can when I'm regurgitating game or anime events from canon. I'm impressed and, honestly, a bit jealous.

Interesting to see another character. And an Argonian, at that. Nice.
Cyberweasel89 chapter 1 . 12/17/2016
Hi there!

This is my first time reading a TES fanfic, so... figured I'd do the honor of reviewing whenever I have a comment.

So far, I'm curious what this has in store. First chapter was very short but I'm looking forward to the ride ahead.

Nice to see a female Dragonborn. Canonically, the Dragonborn is a male Nord warrior, though official material flip-flops on whether he goes sword-and-shield or dual-swords. Curious to see whether Taryn goes warrior, thief, or mage. :3
Meerhawk chapter 7 . 8/28/2016
Lol, I was hearing their voices in my head while reading this. Now that the characters differ a bit more from canon, the story is getting interesting.
Meerhawk chapter 2 . 8/28/2016
The writing was alright, but other than the beginning, it was basically just canon. Your OCs did nothing at all. I'll continue the story and see if I like it.
vpking38 chapter 18 . 12/9/2015
I gotta say. At chapter 17. I am truly impressed. you've changed the story and created a humanization of the game that is inspiring.
Guest chapter 67 . 10/13/2015
Wow. This is the best fanfic I've ever read. I love the way you write it, I felt like I am in Taryn's position. Although the combat scenes could use more description. Now I'm waiting for the dawnguard story to be complete, cuz' I don't like to read incomplete stories. Oh, and I just noticed that Milos' real name, Hides-His-Heart, is a character's name in Oblivion.
Adienath chapter 68 . 3/20/2015
I found this thoroughly enjoyable, your writing style is excellent. I really liked the reluctant dragonborn personality you 'gifted' Taryn with, it was an interesting counterpoint to the whole 'I'm a superhero, look at me!' thing the dragonborn generally has going on :P

I think it was an excellent choice to add in extra characters to take on the 'roles' that you can get in the game, each character definitely added to the story and I think I even liked all of them! Except Delphine... but she's not 'your' character and I never liked her in game either :P

One criticism would be that your fighting scenes were generally quite perfunctory. 'We entered the cave, were attacked by 3 draugr and I stabbed two while Milos killed the other.' etc. (not an actual quote :P) I know it would be impossible to fully describe every encounter blow-by-blow - I think 400 chapters might be a bit much! - but every now and then it would be nice to have a fully fleshed out fight scene. From memory (writing this after reading the whole thing over the course of a week) you did improve this over the course of the novel, and the fight with Alduin at the end was fantastic, but there were a number of fights, especially against dragons/super-death-draugr etc. that I would have liked to have lasted a bit longer. Let me know if you would like more clarification - I'm not entirely sure if I'm making sense here :P

Apart from that one point, I had a great time here and will definitely dive into your Assassins Creed novels (having not played Infamous, that can wait for now), so look for me there in a week or so :) Oh, and I'm looking forward to Dawnguard and Dragonborn when you get around to them :D
RavingSunshine chapter 68 . 8/17/2014
Ah man I loved this story, sad to see it finished but happy to know that you'll be continuing with Dawnguard and Dragonborn Even though I didn't really enjoy Dawnguard, I still can't wait to see what you do with it! Look forward to more of this and more of AC ;)
((PS Sorry if you haven't seen a review from me in a REALLY long time! I've actually been a silent reader with this story, reading it in between classes, work, and life!))
Shamangirl1 chapter 67 . 8/16/2014
Oh goody! Next is Dawnguard!
Mr. Malvo chapter 68 . 8/16/2014
I'm so happy you finished this one. In a good way. I'm glad to see a conclusion to Taryn's story (for now). And a good conclusion at that. So rarely does a good writer pop up on this site and actually finish their story. I've loved reading this over the past... God I can't even remember how far in you were when I started reading this. But it was an absolute blast. Taryn was a lot of fun to read about and so were her friends. And her whole journey from a prisoner on the chopping block to slayer of Alduin was as well. There's always ways to improve your writing and I felt you do that with each passing chapter. Thank you for writing this. Can't wait for Dawnguard!
Guest chapter 68 . 8/15/2014
I hope you do well in whatever endeavor you may take on. Also, I will continue reading this story whenever you feel like continuing it. And I think I sometimes forget to put my "name" at the end of my reveiw, but I almost always read on my phone, and I don't want to have to keep on signing in every time, so I just put my "name" -Cyclone160
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