Reviews for Finality
SeleneBlackburn chapter 1 . 12/16/2019
I finished fountainhead last night. Less than 10 hours ago. And I needed, wanted, craved this!

Everything was perfect in the book, in my opinion. Almost every element was wrapped nicely. But the relationship between these three.
I wanted Howard and Dominique together. I wanted Dominique to stop being afraid and I was waiting for that moment.
Ayn Rand surprised me by pushing Gail into the relationship. And made me love him. And the relation he and Howard had. It was one of the purest things written. After building that dynamic, the ending felt incomplete.
I still wanted Howard and Dominique together. But Ayn was unfair to Gail.
I feel that the three are perfect together. Maybe Gail forgives both of them. Maybe he accepts their marriage.

I'm glad you wrote this little closure. It's been years since you have posted this and I don't know whether you'll read this review or not but thank you!
Tvstr chapter 1 . 1/19/2016
Liked your closure ;)
Itor chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
Thank you for this. I came on here expecting either no fan fiction for this book, or just some rubbish. I'm glad I got good stuff like this.
TheImaginationAddict chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
This really seemed very,very believable - you've captured their characters perfectly, and the descriptions you've used are also quite in Ayn Rand's style. A very plausible scene - thanks for writing and sharing.
DeppleICk chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
First off, thank you for giving us all a little closure. Your style is clear and unmuddled and I liked it very much. My two favorite parts was that moment in the elevator and the second before Roark speaks.
Trapped-in-your-asylum chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
Good closing here. :D. The ending's sad part was Wynand's closure towards Roark. The notion of the special pain he would always carry