Reviews for 200
Cris.P.C chapter 1 . 6/16/2015
OMG, I'm sooo happy you made a sequel! It was freaking amazing too, I loved it! :'D I'm glad they could finally get their happy ending, aw! X3
Mafer Longbottom-Hudgens chapter 1 . 9/29/2012
ok debes de continuar esto porque es genial!
NoPleaseStayHere chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
Love it
brown eyed daughter chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Oh my god. This is perfect.
anonnie chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
this fanfiction is absolutely AMAZING. superb.

yeah, i'm going to be a brat and ask for another installation of this? but you don't have to, this on it's own is just lovely.
TheDevotchka chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
I want them to be free SO, SO badly. Hell, they deserve it more than most! So glad there's a sequel to this, superb thus far!
ScarlettWoman710 chapter 1 . 5/23/2012



And this was fantastic, I love the forbidden nature of their relationship. Hot and fun to read.
Sarah v chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
I get the feeling that violet won't get out of the house :(
howlsatthemoon chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
you do NOT understand how great this is. it makes me want to go out there and fuck a teacher but unfortunately, my school seems to lack boys who are appealing, so don't worry, i won't.

but really. you write the student-teacher relationship so well. it seems like they're on each other's level, like the age difference is gone when they're together and tate does not seem pervy at all and everything is perfect and nothing hurts when i read this.
gfghjkhdfgh chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
Oh my god. This is practically my fourth time reading 90% of it, but i still couldn't bring myself to skim the parts i knew.

Ugh, This Tate and this Violet are so effing perfect, I can't even deal with them.

This was like, the perfect perfect closure for them.

And oh my god she cooked him dinner! I'm screaming.

I'm so glad you wrote a sequel! and i'm so glad I could help in any way because you're wonderful and this is wonderful.

Now i'm gonna move on to the part of this monster review where i quote you, and relive my reactions.

/I just can't believe I have this./

I was sobbing, because that is so this Violet and Tate is soooo /this/

/Tate flinched. That word. School. A harsh reminder of the scum Tate truly was./

This makes him such a decent fucking person and I cry and cry because he's Tate and he's doing something wrong but he's got the best fucking intentions.

/but he showed up that night, clean and fresh, with a bow tie and semi-neat hair./

clean and fresh, with a bow tie

A bow tie


I know i'm a abomination among woman, but /you're my big strong man/ had me squealing and

/As cliché and sexist as it was, the sight of Violet in his kitchen had Tate by the dick. He wanted to eat a delicious meal with her, then fuck her on the counter./

Ugh completely! i looooove it holy crap.

When I said all I wanted from these characters was to have Vi take care of him a little, and cook him dinner and make his sad 28 year old, damaged kid, one bedroom apartment life better, it was because I've been craving this sentence all my life and have been waiting for someone wonderful to write it so i could read it and sob.


Tate does horrible horrible things with the best intentions!

/Are you mad?/

/Yes. But thank you./

That's right Violet! you better be appreciative. He is a wonderful fucking man.

If you had submitted this to the fic exchange, i would have recognized your work from this sentence

/And we can go on dates. Fuck./

/"Yes. Not awful." Tate was still shaky./

oh good for Violet, she's a natural.

well, good for Violet, better for Tate. lol

/Just a few months. And until then, they had each other and everything would be just fine./

okay, you are gonna want to punch me in the baby maker, but this makes me want another story.

But i won't demand it or anything, in fact, don't write it, because these two have just been too perfect, leave them. I'll just keep this Violet and this Tate in my heart, in Boston, for ever and ever.

Um, I love you. But you knew that.
DelusionalLife chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
Okay, I almost squealed when I saw that you had made a sequel. I loved 100 so much *.*

AND I LOVED THIS ONE AS WELL! And the smut/fluffy scenes. Gah. Loved it.

jandjsalmon chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
Holy crap on a cracker! Wow. HOT! Guh!