Reviews for The First Violin Lesson
no valid name chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
Aww! I loved it! Super cute!
MerlinPsych chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
This was very cute! I started the violin at age eight as well, and I have to say, that was a pretty accurate description of a first lesson, so don't worry about that! :) I think that most classes do start pretty much with holding the instrument, learning the strings and how to care for it. Playing a scale and learning finger positions is very possible. I liked how you showed his relationship to his family as well. His poor mother! XD And the eggs benedict! Hahaha! XD Great job!
merethengilith chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
OMG LOL. Haha, i can totally see sherlock waking everyone up at 6 am or earlier with a violin, just for fun.
Sherlocked For Life chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
what was good, but do you relly mean season 3 because they haven't started filming that season yet?
wewerethebestrichard chapter 1 . 5/19/2012
That was awesome :) Thanks for sharing this! I really enjoyed it.
memory's marionette chapter 1 . 5/18/2012
Hi. :)

Hee. Is it bad that I find annoying Sherlock adorable? :) There were one or two things that I found odd, but you'd know what they are and it's not that important anyway. *shrugs*

In any case, I have to say that your writing shines a lot more when it comes to period/non-modern fics. It was good enough in modern-day fics (like your Burn Notice and White Collar stories), but this just suits your writing more. Maybe because your writing has a more formal structure and tone compared to others. And you know how I feel about refined English, so it's safe to say that I laff this and you, of course. C:

Happy writing!