Reviews for Plums and Cherry Blossoms
EmeraldBlossom17 chapter 1 . 5/15/2017
lol nice story. :)
Delicate Desires chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
Hilarious and cute! (: Silly Naruto.
butterfly-decolletage chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
I loved this! The simple, descriptive language was beautiful. I believe the best stories receive the littlest attention, though, :/
920306 chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
This was, as you mentioned, without a doubt (to me) amusing. You had me biting the head of my water bottle, (I was taking gradual sips of water as I read), all while grinning in, well, amusement.

You did a brilliant job at describing Sakura's snacking methods (and telling the overall story too), and even had /me/ mesmerized for a second as the scene played in my head. I ended up letting out a mostly abrupt, obnoxious laugh (snort) too when I read over the line, "And he could have /sworn/ he heard Sasuke roll his eyes," particularly because something about - hypothetically speaking - "hearing" someone roll their eyes, (better yet /Sasuke/), tickles my sense of humor with the overall carefree, exaggerated vibe given off as a whole.

Anyway, whether I'm making sense or not is unimportant; the point of this review is to praise you on this uplifting little read you've provided.

Hopefully you get a little kick from this review, since you mentioned (and I noticed) that this story doesn't have as many reviews as an author would generally prefer and like to see. Despite this, take it from someone who thoroughly enjoys laughing and making people laugh: you've done a good job with this, no matter how many reviews it does or doesn't have. One laugh is enough for me ;)

Hopefully you were able to take care of that keyboard!

Teagsiebabe85 chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Beautiful descriptive language, I'm not a fan of reading NaruSaku but this was- as you HAD intended it to be- amusing, I was smirking near the end :p
I'm surprised this doesn't have a lot of comments/reviews! It deserves so much more!
PeeblesPls chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
Ah it was so descriptive. I could like picture everything. But it was short! I really wanted to read more :( I guess it can't be helped. That's a bummer about your keyboard, hope you were able to get a new one. A very nice story, I enjoyed reading it a lot.
