Reviews for Restore a Suxen
Sniper chapter 29 . 7/18
Great update.
Theolene909 chapter 29 . 4/17
Okay, let me start off by saying I hate you. but not for the reasons you might think. I hate you because you're making me enjoy a story I don't want to. I really want to see where this goes. Beautifully written. I still hate you for making me love the story.
Wolfly2494 chapter 29 . 3/19/2019
Update please
CALLFLYNN chapter 29 . 5/9/2018
Please update
TinkStar87 chapter 29 . 4/19/2018
Okay first: Really enjoyed and love this story; even if it hasn't been updated in a while,(hope it gets an update soon) that being said, this Prue isn't my favorite, but there are some good bits. Just think that after being dead so long she'd be a bit more understanding when dealing with Cole.(and did she forget how they were without there memories?) Oh well. As for the Cole or Coop pick...I'd say Cole just for the fact that he and Pheebs really had an epic love and we really got to know him as a character. Where as Coop was only around for i think ONE season, and we really didn't get long to see how he and Phoebe were as a long-term couple, or really at all. All that being said i've been a fan of Charmed since it first aired the very first episode, watched all through most of the series, didn't really see all until my husband got me the complete series; going on this, here is my opinion: i can say i really think Phoebe and Cole were soul mates, and if Cole did indeed stay dead then i think Coop would/might be her other soul mate. Again i come back to Cole, LOL which is funny because i wasn't really his fan when the show was on, but after re-watching the series I AM! LOL. ANYWAY, hope you come back and update this amazing story. It really is one of the best on this site and i love the interaction between most all of the characters, but favorite has to be Cole&Phoebe. It's just prefect. This last chapter is crazy, but still an enjoyable read. SO, please update again soon. Read ya Later ;)
Dark princess-of-anime chapter 29 . 9/18/2017
This story is so good! I wonder how pheobe gets out of the waste land?
fenixrojo36 chapter 29 . 10/1/2016
Sigue con la publicaciĆ³n de esta historia
Beaubeau1993 chapter 29 . 4/22/2016
Love it good work
Buster922 chapter 29 . 10/2/2015
Loved it, keep it up
brendafay chapter 29 . 9/22/2015
more please
ObsessedwReading chapter 29 . 9/9/2015
Awesome chapter and fanfiction.
Dominus Trinus chapter 20 . 8/19/2015
What an explosive chapter! Loved the twist of Prue getting her memories back through astral projection rather than TK. But even then it was fun watching the sisters letting out their buried anger and resentment. I wonder why Paige is feeling Billie's pain when she never did of her charges before. And Paige has lost charges before on the show. Anyways can't wait to catch up on the rest of the chapters. Keep on updating :-)
Silent-Reader-220 chapter 29 . 8/15/2015
Omg I just read this whole story ! I love it ! It felt like I was watching the show ! Pleeaaaase let Cole and Phoebe be end game lol
20080634 chapter 29 . 8/6/2015
Is there a way for Cole to get every version of himself back Belthazor, Source, and Indestructible Demon. You could get him to get vanquished by a demon while he protecting the sisters and they somehow return as an indestructible demon again and all three versions of himself into one person.
charmednar chapter 29 . 7/28/2015
So I'm not normally a big reviewer but I just have to do it now. I truly enjoy your writing. Keep up the good work. And to those rude reviews, ask them what stories have they written. It's not as easy as it seems.
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