Reviews for Hell's Child
Guest chapter 7 . 4/15
I love your story’s, they are amazing. Thank you for your time in making them and the thought you put into them, I have read almost all your Supernatural stories because they are so amazing. Once again, thank you.
babyreaper chapter 7 . 5/14/2018
Well worth the wait, finally they are going to be together and Lucifer is OK with this. Pity Michael wasn't but taking Deyn away made Samael a better fighter and he killed more angels. All the way down through the century's until they became the Winchesters. Dean wasn't going to get tortured when he finally got dragged to Hell was he? And how was Sam going to get there after Dean was gone? Thx for updating.
babyreaper chapter 6 . 9/17/2015
Great seeing a new chapter up for this story, What would Lucifer's reaction be when/if he finds out who his son is friends with? Looking forward to finding out. Thx,
LeeMarieJack chapter 6 . 9/17/2015
There appears to be a natural bond forming here. I suspect these two might have more in common than appears on the surface.
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 6 . 9/16/2015
Aww this is lovely. It was sweet
BlackBeautyQueen33 chapter 5 . 8/19/2014
Poor Sam. He doesn't want this or does he? Sorry it took so long for me to review. I thought I had read and reviewed this already
DancingDugong chapter 5 . 7/21/2014
Yay another update! Really enjoyed this chapter :)
HappiestClam chapter 5 . 7/18/2014
Ooh! This was an awesome chapter! Sam is officially prince of Hell and is getting involved in the war. And we got another glimpse of Dean/Deyn :) This story is definitely enjoyable to read
LeeMarieJack chapter 4 . 7/17/2014
It took him a hundred years to get here? How long will he rule?
LeeMarieJack chapter 3 . 7/17/2014
First meeting with evil? Not a nice start to the day. He's going to have a rough time as kind of hell, I think.
LeeMarieJack chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
Great. Hell's home life.
babyreaper chapter 5 . 7/17/2014
Great seeing another chapter, so Sam has finally proved himself worthy of being crowned prince of Hell. But what would dear old dad think of his son not wanting to kill the enemy? Looking forward to more.
AshJovillette chapter 5 . 7/17/2014
Can't wait for more!
DancingDugong chapter 4 . 4/3/2014
Hahaha it's so funny to see Hell's heir deal with normal teenage boy problems. Please update soon!
HappiestClam chapter 4 . 11/30/2013
This story is amazing! I love it and I can't wait to read your next update. Hopefully soon ;)
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