Reviews for Pay Heed to Your Heart
Renn chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Yes, this couple rocks! and you write them awesomely! Loved this :)
Jan Lee chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
Let me tell you that I just love what you've written. I've always felt that their relationship was more in depth than what is portrayed. I hate how Tenzo has been basically ignored this entire time. I feel like hiding him away was pressing the easy button. Like, his jutsu would've come in handy in too many ways so let's get him out of the way. Beautifully written, nary a spelling or word error in sight. I enjoyed Kakashi's avoidance and turmoil. It's good to see him get over himself and admit his feelings to someone who respects and loves him in turn. Awesome job. Also, I think you've inspired me to write a "rescuing Tenzo" story. Thanks for that!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
Perfect *-*
No other words to describe your fic
Loved it!
Greenlily87 chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
I absolutely loved this. Every part of it was so realistic and just wonderful. Kakashi's pain and indecision were so on point, and Tenzo was wonderful as well. I loved the other characters' interactions- you could just tell that they already knew how Kakashi felt, and were just waiting for him to catch up! :P

My favorite part was "Kakashi could do nothing but kiss back and push him down, laying over him gently as if he could shield Tenzō away from the world and all it had done to him." Lovely, just lovely. You captured their dynamic perfectly.

Also: thank the lord, someone who agrees with me! They need to rescue poor Tenzo already! Poor baby haha :P
xJKxD chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
Ahh i love this one. Kakashi's struggeling is kinda realistic. And Yama just being Yama xDD *heartbreak* Why can't this happen in the Manga *Sigh* :)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
Damn, that was a beautiful story! Beauty... that is the only word that can come to mind. I am so inspired. I have been sorting out a plot for this pair (there just isn't enough KakaYama!), and now I feel like I just need to write. Thank you, thank you for sharing this amazing story! Definitely one of my favorites. ]
twilightromance4ever chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
kawaii :D i loved this. yamato is one of my favorites, surprisingly to me. i HATED him in the beginning lol
Crimson Siyrean chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
I love this pairing so much, thank you for writing this. I do hope we'll get a reunion between the two before the war is through.
Hitsutake chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
You know it's a bad day when you go to click "next chapter" only to find that the story is complete forever forcing you to imagine what happens next... I absolutely loved it! xD The emotions were right on key with the characters, and I think you wrote Kakashi very well. My only complaint is that this story is not being continued! Oh well, a girl can dream, eh? My infatuation with KakaYama is a serious problem...
Balenciaga chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
Kakayama my newest's crack pairing :)) I like the seriousness of your story here. And Pakkun's here, too. I guess he's the best guy - um, dog, to really understand Kakashi.

And yes please, someone anyone please rescue Yamato! :s
Yanvi chapter 1 . 5/10/2012
Great to see more KakaYama stories as it's simply so little around.

Love the Pakkun under your description and obviously the pair too.

Nice job.
MarzaPanda chapter 1 . 4/19/2012
Very nice story. I think your handling of the emotions felt on both sides was realistic, something not normally seen in a fanfic. Based on the creativity of the rest of the story, I would have been interested in seeing how you described Tenzo's capture/rescue. I"m somewhat curious why Naruto referred to him as "Tenzo" and not Yamato, since Tenzo was a name used while he was in ANBU, not a time Naruto was necessarily privy to.
kakashifan9 chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
" Poor guy must have one hell of a neck ache"

Hahahah! Oh my gosh, I never really thought of it that way. When I saw Tenzou stuck in the tree (or whatever that was), I sat there staring at the picture for a couple minutes. And when it finally sunk in, I was cursing the universe. (LOL)

Your story has left MY heart fluttering. Hahahah, I love how you prolong Kakashi's visit. I felt agitated and upset with Kakashi's distance, yet I was still grieving over his rational thoughts. I literally died when he finally faced Tenzou. Lol, the tension was so high and when the moment finally broke with the realization of their feelings, I started laughing! It felt like they were a real couple, GAH! The suspense was heart breaking, but the result was to die for. (Which I did.)

It's been so long since I've read such a sweet, fluffy one shot involving Kakashi. (All the other ones lately seem to be more on the 'Woah-he's-gorgeous-Let's-sleep-with-him' type of stories.)

Excuse my little ramble. I had so much trouble putting my feelings into words. Hahahah, great job! Your one shot was super awesome.
mistyfoxdreams chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
very sweet! this fanfiction made me fall in love with the kakashi/tenzo fandom.
Silver Dust chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
just read this and i think its good, i think this is the only story i've read so far that gueses at how Tenzo gets rescued. lets hope he survives in the end. Plus if its not to much trouble i'd like to see Naruto's plan at breaking Tenzo out of the medical tent.