Reviews for Disenchanted
laviere chapter 1 . 6/22/2016
This was lovely
kittenxxkisses chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
maixaang? this is something i've never seen before. again, i don't love the ship, but the writing style is beautiful, so i think i love this anyway :)

kat xx
DragongirlM chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
*Sigh* FINE. Because you did such an excellent job on this beautiful fanfic, I will stop calling Mai/Aang _Mange_. Keep up the great work :)
Malevolent Dark Reflection chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
This is like the fourth Aang/Mai fic I've read on this site. I'm liking it more and more each time I read one. Your fic highlights a few ideas of why I'm drawn to reading about them together, to see if it would work. Well done.
JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
This is my second time reading a 50 sentence-challenge or something of that nature; and I'm surprised to say I like them, a lot. I may try one of these myself.

This is an unconventional pairing, but the way you write about it, it seems to make sense. #16 Need makes a good point: Mai hates boredom, but life with Aang is never boring!

My favorites were #6 Gentle, #18 Attention, #24 Now, #37 Time. #19 Soul was also interesting.

I thought #4 Last and #8 Thousand were most in-character for Mai; I can see her getting fed up and wanting to prove everyone wrong.

Good job with this. Keep writing!
Kimberly T chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
They do make an interesting couple, don't they?
SpiffytheHiccupingRaineboe chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
This was fantastic! There were a few spelling errors-Besides that, it was amazing! Your writing style has a kind of elegant feel to it, yet it's not too wordy or anything. I'll make sure to check out some of your other works :)