Reviews for From Alcohol To Pancakes
Anon chapter 1 . 12/4/2012
This was the first Avengers Fanfic I ever read, and I'm so glad that it was my first! I've come back to read this one so many times! It's a feel-good story for when I'm down. Love the characters voices in here and could totally see this in an animated series or done by a cosplay group!
shadowsontherun chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
Haha that was definitely hilarious! OMG Bruce was funny! He probably didn't have to convince hulk at all XD are you make another one shot? Possibly with natasha?
Daughterofapollo4 chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
Can you PLEASE write some more TOny/Steve's? I NEED THEM TO SURVIVE.
xWhatsXMyXFandomx chapter 1 . 5/7/2012

I love how Steve had Tony running, I can actually see that. Then the calm Bruce Hulking out than just saying he was annoyed. Yeah, that had me laughing XD

Last but not least, Thors interpretation of pancakes XD

cjoycoolio chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
Hilarious. I loved Clint in this :D
LadyMusketeer92 chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
seriously couldn't stop laughing, almost dropped my laptop because of my laughinh fit. OMG this is just effin awesome! I always love the Tony-Clint banter and add a mothering Steve and a raging Hulk to the story you got an epic story going on.

definitely one of my favorite Avenger stories! I'm still laughing while writing this. Thanks for that, really needed a good laugh XD
Angelzodica013 chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is epically AWESOME! I love the line where Tony is screaming at Cap as he runs away to save his beer. "You'll never take me alive!" XD I busted laughing so loud in the libary! I didn't even get the chance to try to hold it in. No, just went straigh to insane laughter! XD It was the best laughing ever too! Oh goodness. This fic just proves the point as to why I'm more of an Ironman and Hulk Fangirl from all of the Avengers.

But I must agree with Bruce. I would be piss off and go Hulk (if I had the power too) on Tony if he messed with my report. Thankfully he only went Hulk in the hallway and kitchen. It could have been much wrose. So Tony wont have to pay much for the damage. Think he gets special offers since he's a frequent constumer?

Thor's line...XD So cute. IDK, I find it more cute and exciting to act out then to actually laugh too. The other people here with me seems to think its more appropriate to just look at me weird.

*pretends to be a norse god and talks with loud, deep, stern voice*


Well you ask to point out any mistakes should we see them. So here are the miniscule typo's that I happen to notice.

"Tony Stark griped he shuffled"

I think an 'as' needs to be put in here.

"Bruce's skin started turned green "

Chamge the tense for 'turned' to 'turning'.

"Hulk smashing things the hallway"

Insert an 'in' after the.

"repair the mansion after of its own"

It's missing a 'one'.
ARAGORN0713 chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
This was perfect! The all the characters were IC, the story was funny, and the grammar was good. Clint and his "Hawk-O's"-LOL! And Thor's line at the end: "THE MYSTERIOUS LAND OF CAKES FROM PANS!"

The best part of the fic was the fun of reading characters I could actually recognize. I could totally see Tony, Clint, Steve, and Bruce saying all the things they said.

Please, write another!
The-Lone-Star's-Southern-Belle chapter 1 . 4/6/2012
"The Mysterious Land of cakes from Pans" -lmfao luv it! Best line ever!
vahanian chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
Good story, it was funny,I like the end phase as well, good job.
Supergirlprime chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
oh dear gosh! o love the avengers! damn you! i will be thinking about this story for weeks! you hit them all spot on! though thor should have come sooner...

peace over and out

BlewItUp chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
I liked it! The only people I know are Tony and Hulk though... I know, shame on me. Only OOC i notied is that you slipped in a transformers curse word 'Hammer drone's aft' and Tony is usually a bit more cocky. But I've only seen the movies. I really liked it!