Reviews for The Elfin Cycle VI: Dragon-Cursed
12345678910 chapter 58 . 7/10
This is amazing work you’ve done omg I’m so hoping you continue this story and not drop it hope you update in the future take care
AlienorAq chapter 9 . 3/18
Replying to previous review. The o/c, Elfraine, remembered the Spanish Fleet, not Nuala.
Danish Existence chapter 9 . 2/25/2018
Love this story, it's very well written and researched. But there is one small thing in this chapter, that I stumbled over. The princess remembers a confrontation with the Spanish fleet in her childhood. The princess is four thousand yours old, and Spain was not founded as a country at that time. The region that is Spain today, has been populated for many thousands of years, but I guess the population was called something else. Besides, if my understanding of history is right, I think that they didn't have a fleet 4000 years ago, as that is even before the bronze age.
Guzma chapter 58 . 9/12/2017
AHHHHHHH it's the 5th time I've read this lol, and I just love it so much! I'm sad that it hasn't been updated, but there must be a reason for that, and I hope everything is ok! I hope one day you come back and finish it, along with the other 2 stories linked to this one!
AlienorAq chapter 1 . 12/12/2016
Love this rewrite of the prologue. It’s way darker than the original and a wealth of detail in here. I get a much better feel for the antagonist. The reference to a shared past with Balor is intriguing. I can’t wait to see the rest.
Guest chapter 58 . 11/20/2016
Love your Poldark fics but wish you would update this one too 3
angeleyes chapter 58 . 5/18/2016
I LOVE this story. Please update soon.
migusta chapter 58 . 1/20/2016
update please!
Angel of Randomosity chapter 58 . 10/10/2015
ANOTHAH! ! ! ! !
AidansQueen chapter 58 . 9/18/2015
Yaaah! You updated! It was an awesome chapter. :)
AlienorAq chapter 58 . 9/15/2015
I still love this story. You recognize the complexity of Nuada’s character in a way few other stories do – his fierceness AND vulnerability. Elfraine is a character who deserves a story in her own right. If you ever write an original fiction centered on her I will not think twice to buy it.

I was delighted to find out you write in the Poldark fandom as well. Ross and Demelza are one of my all time favorite couples. I have read all 12 books and have the original tv series on dvd. Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson were wonderful in the lead roles in the recent PBS Masterpiece remake which was even better than the original. I will write a separate detailed review of your completed story over there.

I hope we don’t have to wait too much longer for the next chapter of Dragon-Cursed.
Valandriel chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
Update please!
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 58 . 8/10/2015
What a beautiful chapter! Loved seeing them have a moment away from the action, & away from the group.
Flint and Feather chapter 58 . 8/10/2015
To our relief, and certainly theirs, Nuada and Elfraine finally have an uninterrupted period of alone time. And even though they each recall the sad fact that they have only a month more to be together, they can't let it intrude into the present. One hopes they'll be able to change that limit of the pact.

Nuada has finally given himself permission to become emotionally more dimensional; especially in being able to speak all his true feelings of the discoveries he's made within himself because of Elfraine. Every moment of their interlude couldn't have been more beautifully portrayed. And it's exactly the desired bonding ceremony to precede the difficult mission they're about to share.

A chapter of splendorous expression!
DarkenedRosepetals chapter 58 . 8/8/2015

Oh how I missed this story! I almost fainted when I saw the new chapter in my inbox.

You write so well that it just dumbfounds me sometimes. No matter how many times I read this story over again, I just can't get over the fact that you have amazing skill. Once I start reading, it's like I am watching one of those captivating award winning movies that makes me loose time.

This chapter took me on a emotional roller coaster especially towards the end. I can't imagine what they going to face pretty soon.

I can not wait for the next update

Keep up the fantastic work!
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